Courses from A to Z
- Doctoral Degree in Advanced Materials and Processing
- Doctoral Degree in Agrarian Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Animal Science
- Doctoral Degree in Applied Mathematics
- Doctoral Degree in Aquatic Sciences - Biology and Ecology
- Doctoral Degree in Architecture
- Doctoral Degree in Art Education
- Doctoral Degree in Astronomy
- Doctoral Degree in Basic and Applied Biology
- Doctoral Degree in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution
- Doctoral Degree in Bioethics
- Doctoral Degree in Biology
- Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Biomedicine
- Doctoral Degree in Business and Management Studies
- Doctoral Degree in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Chemistry
- Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Clinical and Health Services Research
- Doctoral Degree in Clinical Nutrition
- Doctoral Degree in Communication and Information Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Computer Science
- Doctoral Degree in Computer Science - MAP joint programme
- Doctoral Degree in Crimininology
- Doctoral Degree in Dental Medicine
- Doctoral Degree in Design
- Doctoral Degree in Digital Media
- Doctoral Degree in Earth Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Economics
- Doctoral Degree in Educational Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Engineering and Industrial Management
- Doctoral Degree in Engineering and Public Policy
- Doctoral Degree in Engineering Physics
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Sciences and Technology
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Toxicology and Contamination
- Doctoral Degree in Experimental and clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Doctoral Degree in Fine Arts
- Doctoral Degree in Food Consumption and Nutrition Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Food Science and Technology and Nutrition
- Doctoral Degree in Forensic Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Geography
- Doctoral Degree in Gerontology and Geriatrics
- Doctoral Degree in Global Public Health
- Doctoral Degree in Health Data Science
- Doctoral Degree in Heritage Studies
- Doctoral Degree in History
- Doctoral Degree in Human Sexuality
- Doctoral Degree in Informatics Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Landscape Architecture
- Doctoral Degree in Landscape Architecture and Urban Ecology
- Doctoral Degree in Language Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Law
- Doctoral Degree in Leaders for Technological Industries
- Doctoral Degree in Literary, Cultural and Interartistic Studies
- Doctoral Degree in Marine Biotechnology and Aquaculture
- Doctoral Degree in Marine Science, Technology and Management
- Doctoral Degree in Mathematics
- Doctoral Degree in Mathematics and Applications
- Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Medical Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Medicine FMUP
- Doctoral Degree in Mental Health
- Doctoral Degree in Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental
- Doctoral Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges
- Doctoral Degree in Mining and Geo-Resources Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Molecular and Cell Biology
- Doctoral Degree in Molecular and cellular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Molecular Medicine and Oncology
- Doctoral Degree in Neurosciences
- Doctoral Degree in Nursing Science
- Doctoral Degree in Occupational Safety and Health
- Doctoral Degree in Palliative Care
- Doctoral Degree in Pathology and Molecular Genetics
- Doctoral Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in PHD Physical Activity and Health
- Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
- Doctoral Degree in Physics
- Doctoral Degree in Physiotherapy
- Doctoral Degree in Psychology
- Doctoral Degree in Public Health
- Doctoral Degree in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Science Education and Communication
- Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences and Aging
- Doctoral Degree in Sociology
- Doctoral Degree in Spatial Planning
- Doctoral Degree in Sport Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Surveying Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Chemistry
- Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Chemistry
- Doctoral Degree in Telecommunications
- Doctoral Degree in Transport Systems
- Doctoral Degree in Veterinary Sciences
Courses by Faculty
- Faculty of Architecture
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Faculty of Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Agrarian Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Applied Mathematics
- Doctoral Degree in Astronomy
- Doctoral Degree in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution
- Doctoral Degree in Biology
- Doctoral Degree in Chemistry
- Doctoral Degree in Computer Science
- Doctoral Degree in Computer Science - MAP joint programme
- Doctoral Degree in Earth Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Sciences and Technology
- Doctoral Degree in Food Science and Technology and Nutrition
- Doctoral Degree in Landscape Architecture
- Doctoral Degree in Landscape Architecture and Urban Ecology
- Doctoral Degree in Marine Biotechnology and Aquaculture
- Doctoral Degree in Marine Science, Technology and Management
- Doctoral Degree in Mathematics
- Doctoral Degree in Mathematics and Applications
- Doctoral Degree in Physics
- Doctoral Degree in Science Education and Communication
- Doctoral Degree in Surveying Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Chemistry
- Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Chemistry
- Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences
- Faculty of Sport
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Advanced Materials and Processing
- Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Digital Media
- Doctoral Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Engineering and Industrial Management
- Doctoral Degree in Engineering and Public Policy
- Doctoral Degree in Engineering Physics
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Informatics Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Leaders for Technological Industries
- Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Mining and Geo-Resources Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Occupational Safety and Health
- Doctoral Degree in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree in Spatial Planning
- Doctoral Degree in Telecommunications
- Doctoral Degree in Transport Systems
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Arts
- Doctoral Degree in Communication and Information Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Geography
- Doctoral Degree in Heritage Studies
- Doctoral Degree in History
- Doctoral Degree in Language Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Literary, Cultural and Interartistic Studies
- Doctoral Degree in Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges
- Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
- Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences and Aging
- Doctoral Degree in Sociology
- Faculty of Medicine
- Doctoral Degree in Bioethics
- Doctoral Degree in Biomedicine
- Doctoral Degree in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Clinical and Health Services Research
- Doctoral Degree in Experimental and clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Doctoral Degree in Forensic Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Global Public Health
- Doctoral Degree in Health Data Science
- Doctoral Degree in Medicine
- Doctoral Degree in Mental Health
- Doctoral Degree in Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental
- Doctoral Degree in Molecular Medicine and Oncology
- Doctoral Degree in Neurosciences
- Doctoral Degree in Palliative Care
- Doctoral Degree in Public Health
- Faculty of Dental Medicine
- Faculty of Psychology and Education Science
- Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar
- Doctoral Degree in Animal Science
- Doctoral Degree in Aquatic Sciences - Biology and Ecology
- Doctoral Degree in Basic and Applied Biology
- Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Toxicology and Contamination
- Doctoral Degree in Gerontology and Geriatrics
- Doctoral Degree in Medical Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Molecular and Cell Biology
- Doctoral Degree in Molecular and cellular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences
- Doctoral Degree in Nursing Science
- Doctoral Degree in Pathology and Molecular Genetics
- Doctoral Degree in Veterinary Sciences