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About U.Porto - Facts and Figures

U.Porto is an institution recognised throughout the world thanks to its quality and dedication to social and economic development. Our figures "speak" for themselves...

The University of Porto in Numbers

The University of Porto in Numbers

The University of Porto in Numbers

The Community

~3,700 Lecturers and Researchers (~2200 FTE)

  • 85% PhD holders (FTE)
  • 46% women (FTE)
  • 6% internationals (FTE)

~1,750 Technicians and Administrative Staff (~1,750 FTE)

  • 70% women (FTE)

+35.700 Registered students

  • 55% women
  • 15% internationals

+16,100 Bachelor's Degree Students (1st cycle)
+5,500 Integrated Master's Degree Students (1st and 2nd cycle)
~9,600 Master's Degree Students (2nd cycle)
~4,500 Doctoral Students (3rd cycle)

~8,100 Graduates

  • 57% women
  • 10% internationals

+3,500 Bachelor's Degree Graduates (1st cycle)
+850 Integrated Master's Degree Graduates (1st and 2nd cycle)
~3,000 Master’s Degree Graduates (2nd cycle)
~440 Doctoral Degree Graduates (3rd cycle)

+115,000 Former students registered in the U.Porto Alumni database


315 Courses (degree awarding)
50 Bachelor's Degrees (1st cycle)
6 Integrated Master's Degrees (1st and 2nd cycle)
165 Master's Degrees (2nd cycle)
94 Doctorates (3rd cycle)


48 Research units

  • 90% of Research Units were classified as “Excellent” or “Very Good” (by FCT)

~27,000 Articles and other indexed documents in Web of Science (WoS)
+22,200 Articles and review articles (citable documents) in Web of Science (WoS)

  • 23% of Portuguese citable documents indexed in WoS
  • 13% of citable WoS documents among the top 10% most cited (InCites)
  • 57% of citable WoS documents with international collaboration
  • 62% of citable WoS documents with open access
  • 80% of citable WoS documents with a contribution to the SDGs

+500 Active patents
410 Patents granted
325 International patents granted
100 U.Porto Spin-offs
1,997 Inventors supported
+700 Entrepreneurship projects supported
+3,500 Qualified jobs created


+5,000 international students in degree-awarding courses
+2,100 Mobility IN students
+1,400 Mobility OUT students
223 Erasmus+ Projects (2014-2022)
+4,500 Participants in the EUGLOH project
+2,700 agreements/partnerships with foreign Universities

Social Support

+5,500 SASUP Scholarship holders
+450,000 Meals served at SASUP's food service facilities
~1,000 Beds in university halls of residence
+6,300 Medical and psychological appointments made at SASUP


+11,300 participants enrolled in CDUP-UP
+75,000 UPFit Programme sessions per week
+19.160m2 of sports area
+240,000 entries in sports facilities
+7,000 Active Break (Pausa Ativa) Sessions
159 medals in the National University Championships (CNU)

Financial Information

233,6 in Revenue (M€)
135,0 State Budget (M€)
98,6 Own revenue (M€)

346,8 in Revenue (M€)
135,0 State Budget (M€)
211,8 Own revenue (M€)

Consult the technical note for the date, origin and exact figures of the data presented on this page.