The University of Porto in Numbers
The University of Porto in Numbers
3+1 University centres
14 Faculties
1 Business School
48 Research units
18 Libraries
12 Museums
4 Sports facilities
20 Food service facilities
10 University halls of residence
2 e-learning cafés
~3,700 Lecturers and Researchers (~2200 FTE)
- 85% PhD holders (FTE)
- 46% women (FTE)
- 6% internationals (FTE)
~1,750 Technicians and Administrative Staff (~1,750 FTE)
- 70% women (FTE)
+35.700 Registered students
- 55% women
- 15% internationals
+16,100 Bachelor's Degree Students (1st cycle)
+5,500 Integrated Master's Degree Students (1st and 2nd cycle)
~9,600 Master's Degree Students (2nd cycle)
~4,500 Doctoral Students (3rd cycle)
~8,100 Graduates
- 57% women
- 10% internationals
+3,500 Bachelor's Degree Graduates (1st cycle)
+850 Integrated Master's Degree Graduates (1st and 2nd cycle)
~3,000 Master’s Degree Graduates (2nd cycle)
~440 Doctoral Degree Graduates (3rd cycle)
+115,000 Former students registered in the U.Porto Alumni database
315 Courses (degree awarding)
50 Bachelor's Degrees (1st cycle)
6 Integrated Master's Degrees (1st and 2nd cycle)
165 Master's Degrees (2nd cycle)
94 Doctorates (3rd cycle)
48 Research units
- 90% of Research Units were classified as “Excellent” or “Very Good” (by FCT)
~27,000 Articles and other indexed documents in Web of Science (WoS)
+22,200 Articles and review articles (citable documents) in Web of Science (WoS)
- 23% of Portuguese citable documents indexed in WoS
- 13% of citable WoS documents among the top 10% most cited (InCites)
- 57% of citable WoS documents with international collaboration
- 62% of citable WoS documents with open access
- 80% of citable WoS documents with a contribution to the SDGs
+500 Active patents
410 Patents granted
325 International patents granted
100 U.Porto Spin-offs
1,997 Inventors supported
+700 Entrepreneurship projects supported
+3,500 Qualified jobs created
+5,000 international students in degree-awarding courses
+2,100 Mobility IN students
+1,400 Mobility OUT students
223 Erasmus+ Projects (2014-2022)
+4,500 Participants in the EUGLOH project
+2,700 agreements/partnerships with foreign Universities
+5,500 SASUP Scholarship holders
+450,000 Meals served at SASUP's food service facilities
~1,000 Beds in university halls of residence
+6,300 Medical and psychological appointments made at SASUP
233,6 in Revenue (M€)
135,0 State Budget (M€)
98,6 Own revenue (M€)
346,8 in Revenue (M€)
135,0 State Budget (M€)
211,8 Own revenue (M€)
Consult the technical note for the date, origin and exact figures of the data presented on this page.