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Doctorates - List of Courses

Doctoral Degree in Economics

Every year, students who attend the Doctorate in Economics offered by FEP benefit from training rooted in excellence, while integrating a stimulating research environment.

The programme is hosted by the Centre for Economics and Finance at the University of Porto (Cef.up), a leading research unit at FEP which promotes several subjects and seminars throughout the academic year.

The programme also counts on the active participation of highly qualified teaching staff, which includes FEP lecturers and visiting lecturers.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Economics
Type of Course
Doctoral Degree
8 Semesters / 240.0 ECTS
Annual Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee)
National: 2750.00€
International: 6000.00€
CPLP International: 3300.00€

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025

Registration and Accreditation


Registration n.ºR/A-Ef 2666/2011 in March 18, 2011


Date of publication of the accreditation decision: Sept. 1, 2020

Validity of accreditation: 6 years

Information from A3ES