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Knowledge Transfer - Valuing research results

While a regular feature in leading international scientific publications, the knowledge produced at U.Porto is not solely confined to the pages of books and scientific journals.

Knowledge Transfer

The University is aware of the potential that exists within its research centres. This is why it promotes the transfer of marketing rights and rights of use of new discoveries and innovations that result from the scientific research undertaken at its centres to the business world.

At this level, U.Porto Innovation offers services and programmes focused on the valorisation of the University’s R&D results, supporting the members of its academic / scientific community in the various steps of the protection and technology transfer process. Among the services provided are national and/or international patent requests and searching for solutions for the economic exploitation of inventions.

This support network also includes support for the creation of technology-based businesses (spin-offs) and the establishment of partnerships with businesses, R&D entities, and other national and/or international public or private entities, aimed at the development of R&D projects.

Also included among the structures geared towards technology transfer and the valorisation of the University’s research results are UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of U.Porto and specific offices at our various faculties and R&D units.