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UP.PT - Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences

RADIANT - Tradition in Culinary Innovation

Why do we eat what we eat, and why do we eat how we eat? The culinary heritage is forged in existing natural resources, the agricultural and processing practices that have been developed, and what existed in trading partners. It is an inexhaustible source of lessons about what foods to eat on each occasion, how to process and combine them, and the social value of meals. These are the foundations on which the future of gastronomy is being built.

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Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Taught in collaboration with
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
81 Hours / 3.0 ECTS
Tuition Fee
National: 0.00€
International: 0.00€

The values shown are indicative. For more information on tuition fees, see the link "Learn more".

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024