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Lifelong Learning - List of Courses

Data Visualization Esta formação não está ativa.

Computer programming has become a recognized competitive asset in society and the business world, as it allows a high degree of automation of different types of tasks, effectively reducing their costs and execution times. There is currently a high demand for professionals with knowledge of Data Visualization, which greatly exceeds supply. In addition, knowledge about Data Visualization is increasingly relevant in the performance of various professional activities.

The "Data Visualization" course aims to help reduce these gaps by providing the contents and developing the skills to model data either on a small or large scale (big data) in order to find patterns in the data that allow drawing useful conclusions for the business or to perform new visualizations for further exploration of the knowledge obtained.

The choice of R as the programming language for Data Visualization arises because it is a versatile language in assisting the manipulation, analysis, and visualization of data and is currently widely used in various domains. Among them, "Business Intelligence", decision support systems, and machine learning. Being a programming language that is strongly and widely used in the real world, it is relatively accessible to everyone and is also recognized as excellent entry points into the world of Data Visualization due to its well-formed ¿grammar of graphics¿. In this way, it is also highly sought after by professionals who wish to change their career.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Sciences
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
162 Hours / 6.0 ECTS

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024