Basic Course of 24 hour ambulatory Blood pressure monitoring and of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity Esta formação não está ativa.
Among all forms of blood pressure measurement, ABPM has the highest predictive value for cardiovascular risk, being the ideal technique for the diagnosis of white coat and masked hypertension. The adequate interpretation of the data it provides requires knowledge about its potentialities, clinical indications and its limitations as well as the validation and placement of the available devices.
Pulse wave velocity is a non-invasive technique for assessing aortic stiffness that is easy to perform, has good reproducibility/validity and low cost. The aortic stiffness thus assessed is a robust marker of cardiovascular target organ damage and a very accurate indicator of cardiovascular and renal prognosis allowing therapeutic guidance in hypertensive patients.
Job Opportunities
- Understand the principles of 24 hour ABPM, and the potentialities, indications and its limitations as well as the validation and placement of the available devices.
- To perform the technique of ABPM placement and to interpret the data from the ABPM records
- Know the normal patterns as well as the pathological patterns most frequently found in daily practice.
- Understand the principles of pulse wave velocity, as well as the potentialities, indications and its limitations.
- Understand the principles of pulse wave velocity, as well as the potentialities, indications and its limitations.
- Execute the technique of measuring the pulse wave velocity.
- Knowing the reference values according to age and gender, as well as the pathological patterns most commonly found in daily practice.