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UP.PT - Faculty of Arts and Humanities

International heritage: new approaches

Identify and understand the main themes related to actions for the preservation of cultural heritage at the international level; Understand the role of international cultural preservation organizations (both in the public sphere Unesco, ICOM, IUCN, Icom) and private ones (Fundação Aga Khan, Traffiking Culture etc).; Analyze the main threats to the disappearance of international (material/intangible) heritage; Support the main international debates on the theme of preservation of cultural heritage today; Suggest a decolonial reading of the assumptions of heritage preservation around the planet.

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Faculty of Arts
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
20 Hours / 3.0 ECTS
Tuition Fee
National: 140.00€

The values shown are indicative. For more information on tuition fees, see the link "Learn more".

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024