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Lifelong Learning - List of Courses

Advanced Postgraduation Course in Clinical and Health Services Research

The primary objective of the course is to fill an important gap at national level. It has been designed and designed to meet the growing needs and requests of the community, and in particular health professionals, for structured offers of advanced training and research opportunities in the areas of clinical research and health services.
The community increasingly demanded and demands the existence of a structured advanced training and research programme that can prepare health professionals, as well as other professionals, to address the challenges posed by evidence-based practices, the evidence, rapid developments and changes of health systems and technologies, the evaluation of technologies, deficiencies and inequities of health systems, and the growing need to use and develop appropriate tools to support and improve decision-making processes.

Job Opportunities

Be able to communicate new and complex ideas and relevant scientific evidence with their peers, the rest of the academic community and society at large.
To be able, in a knowledge-based society, to promote, in an academic and professional context, technological, social and cultural progress; improving the quality of health services and the adequate and equitable use of available resources.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Medicine
Type of Course
Advanced Studies
1431 Hours / 53.0 ECTS

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025