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Lifelong Learning - List of Courses

Online course on uni and bivariate statistical analysis using SPSS applied to Nutrition and Food Sciences

- Understand the importance of Biostatistics in scientific research;
- Correctly formulate the null and alternative hypotheses in different areas and research situations in Nutrition and Food Sciences;
- Choose the appropriate univariate and bivariate statistical methods, according to the hypotheses to be tested;

- Use the SPSS program in the calculation of univariate and bivariate analysis;
- Analyze the results obtained considering the knowledge both from the point of view of Biostatistics and from the point of view of Nutrition and Food Sciences;
- Perform the interpretation and critical analysis of the statistical procedures used in investigations by other authors and the results and conclusions obtained.

Duration: 16h, e-learning.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Type of Course
Open Training Course
16 Hours
Tuition Fee
National: 155.00€
International: 155.00€

The values shown are indicative. For more information on tuition fees, see the link "Learn more".

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025