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UP.PT - Faculty of Fine Arts

Design of Health Technologies


> The postgraduate course is part of the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR) within the scope of «Impulse Adults», responding to its strategic objectives insofar as, responding to a need exposed by Fraunhofer-AICOS to the University of Porto, it proposes to increase skills ('Upskills') of employees of entities that collaborate with this institute, in the areas of 'Human-Centred Design' and 'Human-Computer Interaction' oriented to the development of products in the context of human health and well-being.

Job Opportunities

Reinforcement of skills in Professionals:

> Who work in the clinical context (doctors; nurses; psychologists, caregivers);

> Liberals who work in the area of new media (designers, artists, IT engineers) intend to re-qualify skills by directing them towards mHealth/eHealth;

> From artistic areas, engineering, or communication, who intend to specialise in the scientific areas of the course.

Funding Entities

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Fine Arts
Taught in collaboration with
Faculty of Engineering (UP)
Faculty of Medicine (UP)
Type of Course
2 Semesters / 48.0 ECTS
Tuition Fee
National: 1000.00€
International: 1000.00€
CPLP International: 1000.00€

The values shown are indicative. For more information on tuition fees, see the link "Learn more".

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024