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Best Practices

We have compiled a series of useful links for anyone wanting to learn more about promoting digital accessibility in all its forms.

U.Porto Resources

The Digital Accessibility page of the Centre for Educational Technology presents a set of guides to help the academic community create accessible documents.

The PLACES Accessibility Platform, born out of a collaboration between U.Porto and other external organisations, brings together a set of tutorials for creating accessible documents. In addition to the tutorials and videos organised by applications, it is possible to download an e-book with all the information.

National Resources

The members of GTAEDES (Working Group for the Support of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education) present a compilation of their articles on the GTAEDES page – Support material for students with special needs.

BAES – Biblioteca Aberta do Ensino Superior (Open Library for Higher Education) offers content which is accessible online. It is the result of a partnership that includes nine Higher Education Institutions. This open library comprises three main areas: information production, access and sharing.

Additional Information

Visit the NAI Training and Awareness page.

For more information:

Inclusive Support Service
E-mail: [email protected]