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Masters Degree - Programmes

The School's master's degree offer includes pre-experience masters, specialization masters and executive masters.

Mestrado Executivo

Executive Masters

NEW | Management of Retail Operations - This master’s programme confers a degree

In partnership with MC, the programme was developed based on the constant evolution of the retail sector, which is increasingly important in the Portuguese economy. It is aimed at market professionals who want to enrich their knowledge and take their careers to the next level. Lasting two semesters, the programme aims to provide skills to face challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities, through practical, relevant and up-to-date training.

NEW | Banking, Instruments and Financial Markets - This master’s programme confers a degree

This executive master's programme is aimed at professionals who want to enrich their skills to lead positions in corporate financial management, corporate and investment banking, financial consultancy, entrepreneurship, and the financial markets. This programme offers solid, advanced, and up-to-date training on the role of banking, financial markets, and an ecosystem of innovative instruments for financing companies in the context of the challenges of sustainability, the regulatory framework, and risk mitigation.

COMING SOON | Finance - This master’s programme confers a degree
COMING SOON | Economics and Public Policy - This master’s programme confers a degree
COMING SOON | Hospital Administration - This master’s programme confers a degree
pre-experience masters

The pre-experience masters are intended mainly to newly graduates, in Economics and Management, with little or no work experience.

The Master in Economics is taught in Portuguese with an English track; the remaining masters are taught in English.

Specialization Masters

The specialization masters are targeted at graduates in Economics, Management and other areas, with or without professional experience, who wish to complete their training, or to update their competences in a specialized area.

The Master in Data Analytics is taught in English; the remaining masters are taught in Portuguese.