As defined in FEP’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2030, “the mission assigned to the Bureau of Economic, Entrepreneurial and Public Policy Studies (B2E2PS) is to produce strategic economic, entrepreneurial and social knowledge useful to the Society – including proposals for innovative public policies –, an approach that simultaneously reinforces the notoriety and impact of FEP. Also noteworthy is the “promotion of social responsibility and sustainable development implicit in the created knowledge, which aims at innovative responses to economic and social challenges [in particular those of Portugal (and the North region) and the EU] by generally promoting more informed decisions by economic and political agents (economic and social literacy).”
Bureau of Economic, Entrepreneurial and Public Policy Studies (B2E2PS) of FEP
Beyond the support to FEP´s Board regarding economic analysis and strategic thinking – inherent to B2E2PS’s insertion in the Governance Office (Gabinete de Apoio à Direção, GAD) –, the Bureau is thus considered in the strategic plan as integrating the ‘Service to Society’, one of the four central areas of FEP's Mission, although it also transversally contributes the other three areas – Teaching, Research and Innovation –, as it also results from the Office's mission, namely:
- “The search for a greater economic, entrepreneurial and social impact of FEP’s interventions, namely regarding the choice of themes for interim work, dissertations and theses focused on the production of strategic knowledge and innovative approaches taking into account the economic, entrepreneurial and social challenges in Portugal (and the North region) and the EU” – contribution to Teaching and Research through the application of the impact philosophy in academic work as long as students seek this service (seen as a set of suggestions and recommendations) before the formal definition of these works with the responsible teachers and supervisors, who have complete pedagogical and guidance autonomy.
- To collaborate, together with several other FEP structures, in the “management of external Stakeholders”, mainly through the “generated knowledge and proposals”, “which have a greater focus on the needs of companies” – contribution to Innovation by promoting the connection between the Academy and the entrepreneurial community, and the economic and social valorization of the created knowledge.
- “The increase in notoriety [of FEP] through B2E2PS production of studies and proposals for innovative public policies”, which will allow to “strengthen FEP´s media presence in (…) the discussion of themes of great public interest” as regards communication and image. This “promotes the economic and social impact of knowledge associated with teaching and research carried out within the FEP” – contribution to Teaching, Research and Innovation by increasing notoriety and dissemination of knowledge produced at FEP.
Therefore, all B2E2PS’s intervention pursues a philosophy centered on sustainable economic and social impact, including (necessarily) corporate sustainability.
To this end, the Bureau has several dissemination channels (products), guided by the rigor and accessibility of the created knowledge, aspects that contribute – within the logic of economic and social literacy pursued – to more informed decisions by economic and political agents (i.e., citizens voters and current/future rulers). With regard to accessibility, outlines and executive summaries, suitable for a wider audience – with a simple explanation of the main concepts and a sufficient level of detail of the results – are publicly accessible. The complete studies and autonomous chapters, containing more detailed and technical analyses, are aimed at specific audiences with greater knowledge and interest in the matters covered – members of the Academy (University of Porto), FEP partners and personalities (namely those belonging to the Honor Committee of FEP's 70th anniversary) –, who will be able to use and even deepen the analyses, if they want. Full studies will also be made available upon request (by email) after approval by the FEP Board. This design aims to adapt the dissemination to the beneficiaries, assess interest in the studies and maximize the impact, which will also benefit from the focus of each study on a few themes and a wide dissemination.
The intended articulation between publications and studies ensures the reader the coherence of analysis between the several research products, thus reinforcing the approach and impact.
Publicações e estudos:
Publications and studies
Publications and studies
Principal publication
“Economy and enterprises – trends, perspectives and proposals”
This is the main publication of B2E2PS (four issues are planned per year, on average), which aims to analyze economic trends – medium/long term and short term – and proposals for innovative public policies that respond to the delivered diagnosis. In each issue there will be a focus on a few themes, but which may undergo considerable development, depending on the objectives and policy proposals. Analyzes and proposals included in other B2E2PS publications and studies – in particular position papers and Flash analyzes – may be incorporated if they are related to the themes explored in each issue and enhance the approach, the same happening with knowledge products produced by other FEP structures.
After the publication of each number, if FEP’s Board deems relevant, a survey will be launched to obtain feedback (degree of acceptance and eventual suggestions for improvement) on the presented innovative proposals. The survey is aimed at the academic community, companies and society in general - the results will be presented autonomously, thus reinforcing the dissemination, notoriety and impact of the proposals.
Number 1/2023 - 24
Annual publication
"Economy and enterprises – balance and perspectives”
Released until May, the publication contains the balance of the previous economic year and the outlook for the new year. The balance of the previous year includes a summary of the studies and proposals produced that year, as well as their integration into a coherent whole – an integrated strategic diagnosis together with an articulated package of innovative response measures already presented, which can thus have an increased impact through synergies and complementarities along with eventual new proposals that can be inserted to enhance the approach.
Position papers
Thematic or sectoral studies – launched by B2E2PS or in partnership – of global, national or regional scope with a depth of analysis adapted to the economic policy proposals it supports. Some papers may be connected to other G3E2P channels, in particular with the main publication. This is because position papers can develop proposals presented in other B2E2PS channels, with emphasis on adapting measures aimed at Portugal (and regions) to a European or global context, to put Portugal and the EU at the forefront of the transformation. Conversely, the original analyzes and proposals developed in the papers can also be capitalized to benefit other B2E2PS studies and publications.
Flash analysis
Relatively short and almost “real-time” analysis – very short lag with respect to the base information, very close to the media timing – on economic data or national and international policy measures of particular interest. The depth and detail of the analyzes are adapted to deliver useful content to economic agents. Flash B2E2PS analyzes may be later integrated in the next issue of the main publication, if they remain up to date and fit into the chosen themes.
Other studies and publications
Other studies and publications – initiated by B2E2PS or in response to entities internal or external to FEP – that do not fit into the previous classification and fall within the scope of “Service to Society”, therefore excluding any consultancy work carried out by B2E2PS, which will be available in the area dedicated to the Bureau of Projects and External Relations of FEP (Gabinete de Projetos e Relação com Empresas da FEP – GPRE). This category includes, for example, possible projects involving students (such as the supervision of extracurricular studies), articles published in scientific journals in the field of economics, capitalizing the studies carried out by B2E2PS in the course of its activity.