It is the responsibility of the Council of Representatives to elect the Dean of the School and to assess the acts of the Dean and the Executive Board. It is also part of this Council's competences to approve possible alterations to FEP's Statutes, as well as to propose initiatives for the good functioning of FEP, which includes decisions about the creation, merger, transformation and extinction of FEP's research cores and research and development units.
The Council of Representatives is elected for a period of four years. The current mandate began on 20 September 2022.
The Council of Representatives is currently chaired by Professor Catarina Roseira.

The Dean's duties are:
- To manage FEP on all matters that are not within the competency of the other governing bodies and to ensure the normal operation of the School;
- To preside over the Executive Board, the Scientific Council and the Advisory Board;
- To represent the School of Economics before the University bodies and externally;
The full list of the Dean's responsibilities is set out in Article 22 of the FEP's Statutes.
The Dean is elected for a period of four years. The current term of office began on 22 March 2023.
Currently FEP's Dean is Professor Óscar Afonso.

The Executive Board consists of the Dean, the Vice-Dean and three members.
The Executive Board is responsible for assisting the Dean in performing the duties of their office and for performing the duties delegated to them by the Management Board of the University. Their mandate coincides with that of the Dean.
The Executive Board has five members: the Dean (chair), the Vice-Dean and three members.

The Scientific Council is the entity responsible for integrating the work of FEP instructors and researchers in the domains of teaching and research. They are responsible for the distribution of teaching services and defining all issues related with the scientific orientation and organization of the School, as well as the training offer and functioning of all cycles of study.
The complete list of the duties of the Scientific Council can be found in Article 27 of the FEP's statutes .
The Scientific Council has 25 members, including a representative from each scientific area, five representatives from the FEP-sponsored research units with an FCT rating of at least Very Good and representatives for tenured professors, associate professors and assistant professors.
The Director of the School serves as the President of the Scientific Council.
The Pedagogical Council is a consultative body whose mission is to supervise all pedagogical questions concerning the functioning of the School, including teaching methods and assessment.
It is the body responsible for evaluating the pedagogical performance of the teaching staff, as well as for elaborating and proposing to the Dean the teaching and evaluation calendars. Within the scope of its competences, it pronounces on the creation of study cycles and respective study plans, as well as on the establishment of school prizes;
The Council is elected for four-year periods and is composed of 16 members, equally divided between faculty and student representatives.
The Pedagogical Council is currently chaired by Professor Maria Eduarda Silva.

FEP is subject to the financial supervision of the competent body of the University of Porto.