As an academic community with a strong participatory spirit of cooperation and integration, FPCEUP encompasses a universe of around 2,000 students, spread across three study cycles, with more than 21% being international students. Student training and monitoring is provided by 78 career teachers and 51 technical and non-teaching staff.

79 Teachers
52 Non Teaching Staff
- 46 (FPCEUP)
- 6 (SPUP)
71 Researchers
- 51 (FCT)
- 20 (non FCT)
28 Research Fellows
- 8 (FCT)
- 20 (non FCT)
1 integrated master
- 171 new students
4 2nd cycle master's degrees
- 133 new students
4 undergraduate degrees
- 78 new students
3 doctoral degrees
- 55 new students
- 627 trainees
135 in integrated master's degrees
- 53 em Mestrados de 2.º Ciclo
- 21 em Licenciatura
- 61 em Doutoramento
87 in mobility
- 67 in Mobility In
- 19 in Mobility Out
- 72 in force
- 3 new
- 8 in force
- 1 excelent
- 1 very good
- 39 national
- 33 international
- 18 scientific employments
- NCL - Speech Laboratory.
- SexLab - Human Sexuality Research Laboratory.
- LabNPF - Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology.
- LPE - Experimental Psychology Laboratory.
- LPS - Social Psychology Laboratory.
- LabRP - Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory.
- APT- Work Psychology Workshop.
- CPUP - Centre for Psychology at University of Porto
- CIIE - Centre for Educational Research and Intervention
- 4 in other research structures
202 indexed at Web of Science
230 indexed at Scopus
279 in international journals with peer review
47 in national journals with peer review
12 in international books
25 in articles of International proceedings
17 TEIPS consulting
61 services rendered
2460 in the Children and Adolescents Psychological Consultation Unit
3597 in the Unit for Youth, Adult and Elderly Psychological Consultation
710 in the Unit - Study and Assistance Office for Offenders and Victims
570 in the Neuropsychology Consultation Unit
319 in the Health Psychology Consultation Unit
35 in the Additive Behaviour Psychological Consultation Unit
415 in the Student Support
81 scientific
- 77 national
- 4 international
2 academic
1 cultural
1 fund raising campaign
3 of other type
149 in Integrated Master's
69 de Mestrados de 2.º Ciclo
43 de Licenciatura
24 de Doutoramento
- 54 dedicated to teaching
- 11 in the library
- 48 in student rooms