- Creation of FPCEUP.
- Approval of the Study Plan for the Degree in Psychology.
- First PhD exams in Psychology.
- Creation of the first Masters Course in Psychology.
- Beginning of the Degree in Education Sciences.
- Formal establishment of the FPCEUP Students' Association.
- First proofs of Doctorate in Education Sciences.
- Homologation of the first FPCEUP Statutes.
- First Masters in Psychology exams.
- First tests of Aggregation in Education Sciences.
- Alteration of FPCEUP's Statutes.
- First exams for the Master's Degree in Education Sciences.
- Luiza Cortesão is honored by the Presidency of the Republic with the degree of Officer of the Order of Public Instruction.
- Luiza Cortesão is awarded the title of Professor Emeritus of the University of Porto for the first time.
- Inauguration of the new Facilities of the Asprela Campus.
- Commemoration of FPCEUP's 25th Anniversary.
- Stephen R. Stoer is awarded the degree of Grand Officer of the Order of Public Instruction by the Presidency of the Republic and decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of Public Instruction.
- Joaquim Bairrão Ruivo delivers his Jubilation Lecture.
- Start of the Bologna Cycle.
- The official designation of FPCEUP is now Fundação Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, following the change in the legal status of the University of Porto.
- Publication of the New Statutes following the transition of the University of Porto to a foundational regime
(by order of 29.12.2009 of the Rector of the University of Porto, according to the stipulated in Article 40, paragraph 1, i) of the Statutes of the University of Porto, published in the Official Gazette, 2nd Series, No. 93, 14.5.2009).
- Homologation of the Statutes of the FPCEUP
(published in the Official Gazette No. 203/2016, Series II of 2016-10-21 - Statutes of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences. Dispatch no. 12708/2016).
- Celebrations of the 40th anniversary of FPCEUP.
- Amendment of the Statutes of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto
(published in the Official Gazette No. 86/2020, Series II of 2020-05-04 - Order No. 5169/2020 / University of Porto).