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Students - Outgoing Students

Improve your academic, personal and professional career with an experience "out of doors".

The University of Porto offers all students regularly enrolled in one of its Degree, Master or Doctoral courses, the opportunity to carry out part of their studies and/or internship in partner institutions, national or international, with the recognition of the work developed.

In this way, each student can enjoy academic or professional experiences, in mobility, exciting and unique, with memories that will last forever and that, for sure, will bring countless academic, personal and professional benefits, namely:

  • Being able to enjoy an enriching experience on an academic and personal level;
  • Contact with different teaching/learning and work methods;
  • The full recognition of the studies/work done;
  • Acquire/develop soft skills: adaptability, flexibility, resilience, autonomy, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit;
  • Enhance their professional value and enrich their CV;
  • Develop their personal and professional contact networks;
  • Possibility of benefiting from a mobility grant;
  • Possibility of perfecting or learning a foreign language.

Mobility can be carried out during the academic pathway, and by recent graduates (internship), under the scope of programmes, projects or partnerships in which UP is currently participating.

Cooperation programmes and agreements

What is ERASMUS +?

ERASMUS+ is the European Union's programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for 2021-2027, which promotes, among other activities, the mobility of higher education students between the Member States of the European Union.

The overall objective of this programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in the fields of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Thus contributing to sustainable growth, quality employment and social cohesion, as well as boosting innovation and strengthening European identity and active citizenship.

Who can apply?

Students regularly enrolled in a degree, master's or doctoral course at FPCEUP.

The 1st year undergraduate students must be enrolled, at least, in the 2nd year of the course, at the beginning of the mobility period (September)

What types of mobility programmes can I apply for?



Attendance of UCs CurricularsExtra CurricularsRecent Graduates

Where can I go for mobility?

In FPCEUP partner institutions belonging to an eligible country:

  • 27 European Union Member States
  • Acceding, candidate and potential candidate countries: Turkey, Croatia
  • EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
  • The list of partner institutions can be consulted in the FPCEUP website, in Mobility - Pre-application - List of Institutions.

How long does the mobility last?

Studies: 3 to 12 months, per study cycle

Internships: 2 to 12 months, per study cycle

When should I present an application?


1st call: 15th December to 15th February

2nd Call: 15th September to 15th October


1st call: February 15th to June 15th

2nd call: 15th September to 15th November

How can I do it?

The application process comprises three moments:

  1. PRE-APPLICATION, at Sigarra
  2. APPLICATION at the University of Porto, at Sigarra
  3. APPLICATION at the destination institution

The process comprises the following moments:

  1. Active search for a destination institution and contact with it;
  2. In the case of the curricular internship, in close articulation with and approval by the FPCEUP Internship Supervisor;
  3. Upon acceptance of the internship, contact the SRIM;
  4. CANDIDATURE of the University of Porto

Who prepares the study/training programme to be undertaken in mobility?

The student is responsible for actively searching for the necessary information to prepare a proposal of studies/traineeship to be undertaken in mobility. For that purpose, besides the SRIM, you can count on the support of the Mobility Coordinator, who will guide you in the choice of the study plan to be undertaken and will be responsible for its acceptance and recognition.

Is there any financing foreseen?

Students who present an application are automatically admitted to the competition for the award of a mobility grant. The accepted applications will be validated and classified by the FPCEUP and the International Relations Service (SRI) of the Rectory will be responsible for centralising the attribution of funding.

The value of this grant is defined annually and varies according to the type of mobility, destination country and number of days of mobility (between 300 and 500 euros/month).

  1. The programme also foresees the attribution of SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOLARSHIPS to Students with disabilities
  2. Students with socioeconomic difficulties with Social Action Grant

Note: The Erasmus+ grants are not subsistence grants but mobility grants which are intended to bridge the difference between the standard of living in the home country and the host country. Erasmus+ grants are therefore not intended to cover all the student's normal living expenses, but rather the additional costs of spending a period of time studying in another country.

Do I have to pay tuition fees at the host university?

No, mobile students are exempt from paying tuition or other enrolment fees at the receiving University.

However, they should continue to pay the tuition fees and the respective school insurance at the FPCEUP.

Where can I clarify doubts about mobility?

In the International Relations and Mobility Department of the Faculty (SRIM):

Documents for consultation:

More Information at:

What is ERASMUS +?
International Credit Mobility (ICM) is part of Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme and offers mobility opportunities between Programme Countries and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from other parts of the world, i.e. located in countries that are not part of the European Union.

Who can apply?
Students regularly enrolled in a degree, master's or doctoral course at FPCEUP

Students in the 1st year of the 1st cycle (Degree) can only start the mobility scheme after enrolment in the 2nd year of the course.

What type of mobility can I apply for?
This sub-programme foresees the realization of part of the study programme with full academic recognition.

Where can I go?
In partner institutions of the University of Porto, belonging to one of the consortia in which it currently participates:MOBILE.UP

What is the duration of the mobility?
In the context of the ICM projects the mobility should have a maximum duration of one semester.

When should I submit an application?
The deadlines are available in the website of each project.

The opening of applications is also announced by SRIM and SRI-UP, via email.

How can I do it?
The application process for ICM mobility comprises two steps: APPLICATION on the project website and UP APPLICATION on Sigarra.

To prepare the application, I must

  1. Consult the information available on the page of each project: partner institutions and available places;
  2. Consult the training offer available at the intended institution and prepare a proposal of studies to be undertaken;
  3. Express interest to SRIM, via email, including the aforementioned provisional proposal;
  4. Upon analysis and approval of the proposal submitted by the Mobility Coordinator, fill out the Application Form available on the project website;
  5. Simultaneously, fill in the Application Form in Sigarra, according to the indications provided by SRIM.

Who prepares the study programme to be undertaken in mobility?
The student is responsible for actively searching for the necessary information to prepare a proposal of studies to be undertaken in mobility.

For that purpose, besides the SRIM, you can count on the support of the Mobility Coordinator, who will guide you in the choice of the study plan and will be responsible for its acceptance and recognition.

Is there financing foreseen?
This sub-programme foresees the following types of financial support:

  • Individual support in the amount of 750 euros/month.
  • Return trip.
  • Travel insurance.

Note: Erasmus+ grants are not subsistence grants, but mobility grants that are intended to bridge the gap between the standard of living in the home country and the host country. Erasmus+ grants are therefore not intended to cover all normal living costs for the student, but rather the additional costs of spending a study period in another country. Participants cannot benefit from other grants financed by EU funds. For specific information about the amounts, please consult the Application Guidelines.

Do I have to pay tuition fees at the host University?

No, the mobility students are exempted from paying tuition or other fees at the destination University.

However, they should continue to pay the tuition fees and the respective school insurance at FPCEUP.

What are the selection criteria?
The criteria can be found in the project website, in the document "Guidelines for Applicants".

Where can I clarify doubts about mobility?
At the International Relations and Mobility Service of the Faculty (SRIM):

Via email: [email protected]

Documents for consultation:

Do you want to go on a short-term mobility programme?
Visit another country and learn from students from all over Europe?
Take a look to the BIP’s opportunities that might be an option for you.

What is a BIP?

The Blended Intensive Programmes are a new and inclusive mobility format: a short, intensive program that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including online cooperation, aiming to enrich and diversify the experience of students and staff who would learn or train or teach abroad.

As the general objective for the new Erasmus+ program is to boost learning and training opportunities in Europe and worldwide and to include more people in this experience, blended (short-term) mobilities it is an important step to ensure that the program is accessible not only to students from all backgrounds, circumstances, study fields and study levels but also to teaching and administrative staff in higher education institutions can also use blended mobility for teaching and training purposes.

Blended mobility programs are developed and implemented by a minimum of three Higher Education Institutions (HEI) from at least three EU Member States and third countries associated to the programme and funded by the Erasmus+ mobility scheme.

This format seeks to provide an intensive learning experience that combines a short-term physical mobility (5 to 30 days) abroad with a compulsory virtual component (of unlimited duration), where participants have the opportunity to work together to develop curriculum and blended activities, which include challenge and practical projects. A minimum of 3 ECTS credits must be awarded to students.

BIPs are an excellent opportunity for students and staff to expand their knowledge, develop interpersonal and intercultural skills, experience new cultures and enhance their professional development, contributing to the development of international cooperation, crucial for promoting quality higher education on a global scale.

Who can apply?

Students regularly enrolled in an undergraduate, master or doctoral programme at FPCEUP.

Mobility grants

The physical mobility of the BIP is funded by the student’s home university through Erasmus+ mobility grants. The amount depends on the Erasmus+ per diem applicable in the host country, the means of transport used, the length of stay and any compensation for disadvantages.

Academic Recognition

A minimum of 3 ECTS credits must be awarded to the student if it is part of the student' study programme.

How to apply?

All applications should be submitted online in SIGARRA at least 60 days in advance.

Check the BIP tutorial HERE (pdf do tutorial)

Where to find BIP courses?

Check the Blended Mobility portal

Further information:

Erasmus Programme Guide

Higher Education Mobility Handbook

Blended Mobility Implementation Guide

The University of Porto has cooperation protocols with several higher education institutions, which aim, among other activities, at student exchange.

Who can apply?

1st year undergraduate students must be enrolled at least in the 2nd year of their course at the beginning of the mobility period (September).

Students who are not at risk of being barred from attending and have paid all fees and have the school insurance in order.

What type of mobility can I do?
Part of the study programme with full academic recognition or internship.

Where can I go?

In partner institutions of University of Porto.

How long does the mobility last?
One semester.

When should I submit an application?


1st call: December 15 to February 15

2nd Call: 15th September to 15th October


1st call: 5th February to 15th June

2nd call: 15th September to 15th November

How can I do it?

The application process comprises three moments:


  1. APPLICATION at the University of Porto, at Sigarra
  2. APPLICATION at the destination institution

The process comprises the following moments:

  1. Active search for a destination institution and contact with it;
  2. In the case of the curricular internship, in close articulation with and approval by the FPCEUP Internship Supervisor;
  3. Upon acceptance of the internship, contact the SRIM;
  4. CANDIDATURE of the University of Porto.

Who prepares the study/training programme to be undertaken in mobility?
The student is responsible for actively searching for the necessary information to prepare a proposal of studies/traineeships to be undertaken in mobility. For that purpose, besides the SRIM, you can count on the support of the Mobility Coordinator, who will guide you in the choice of the study plan to be undertaken and will be responsible for its acceptance and recognition.

Is there any financing foreseen?
At the moment there are no grants available.

Do I have to pay tuition fees at the host University?
No, mobility students are exempt from paying tuition fees or other enrolment fees at the host university.

However, they should continue to pay the tuition fees and the respective school insurance at FPCEUP.

Where can I clarify doubts about mobility?
In the International Relations and Mobility Department of the Faculty (SRIM):

Documents for consultation:
Normas de candidatura aplicáveis à mobilidade de estudantes da u.porto para períodos de estudos ao abrigo de acordos de cooperação - 2022/23

How to apply?

New calls

Mobility Studies
From 15 December 2024 to 15 February 2025

Internships Mobility
From 15 February 2025 to 15 June 2025

Study Mobility

If you are interested in taking part of your STUDIES in another Higher Education Institution, national or international, the International Relations and Mobility Service (SRIM) informs you that you can present your PRE-APPLICATION, at Sigarra, under the following mobility programmes:

  1. ERASMUS+ (European Union)
  2. Cooperation Agreements (Latin America)
  3. Almeida Garrett (Portugal)
  • Eligible Students
    Students may apply:
  1. Regularly enrolled in a Degree, Master or Doctoral course at FPCEUP;
  2. In the case of undergraduate students, enrolled at least in the second year of studies, at the beginning date of the mobility period;
  3. That are not at risk of being barred by the statute of limitations;
  4. That have fulfilled all obligations related to the payment of tuition fees.
  • Pre-application
    Interested students should apply directly ONLINE, on SIGARRA, by filling in a PRE-APPLICATION FORM, available in COOPERATION (Pre-application - Login). You may consult the  VACANCY LIST / PARTNER INSTITUTIONS (in COOPERATION - Pre-application). After filling in the pre-application form, the candidates can consult the PROVISIONAL placements daily and can also edit it, or even give up this pre-application, if they do not want to continue.

    Note: This call is exclusively for mobilities in the 1st and 2nd semester 2025/2026
    Students who enrol in a Master's Degree at FPCEUP in August/September may present a PRE-APPLICATION for mobility in the 2nd semester of their 1st year of the course.

  • Applicable rules | Documents


    Modelo da Proposta Estudos_FPCEUP
    Normas de Mobilidade OUT da FPCEUP
    Normas de Candidatura Acordos de Cooperação da UP

    Normas de Candidatura Erasmus+ ESTÁGIO da UP
  • Application procedure
    After the deadline and after the verification of the eligibility criteria, the candidates will be ordered, for vacancy allocation purposes, by decreasing order of the application score, according to the criteria defined in the FPCEUP OUTgoing Mobility Norms document.
    The list of places will be made public, and may be subject to complaint, by email addressed to the SRIM, up to two working days after publication of the results.
  • Formalization of the application
    After final placement, the admitted students should begin the process of filling in the application form in Sigarra, according to the instructions to be made available by SRIM for that purpose.
  • Academic Recognition

Full academic recognition is an essential condition for student mobility and presupposes that the study period undertaken at the University of Destination effectively replaces a comparable study period at FPCEUP (including periods and respective forms of assessment).

The recognition of the Curricular Units (UC) implies the crediting of the studies carried out at the University of Destination and the conversion to the national scale, according to the stipulated by the "Regulation of Student Mobility OUT (U. Porto) Transcript of Records: conversion of the host university classifications to the numerical scale 10-20" (Despacho nº GR.04/01/2013), contributing to the student's average in the same way as those carried out at FPCEUP, according to the corresponding ECTS credits and the classification assigned by the method proposed in that regulation.

  • ERASMUS+ Grant

The students who present a pre-application to European Union universities, partners of the FPCEUP, will be automatically admitted to the contest for the attribution of a mobility scholarship. The applications will be validated and classified by the FPCEUP and it will be the competence of the International Relations Service (SRI) of the Rectory to centralize the attribution of funding. The value of this grant is defined annually and varies according to the destination country and the number of months of mobility (on average 4 months of funding).

The SASUP scholarship students and students with special needs will also receive, cumulatively, a supplementary scholarship (DIS/SEVD) granted by the Erasmus+ National Agency (information to be provided by the Agency).

Final Notes: Students can be mobile with or without a grant, with full academic recognition. It is the entire responsibility of the mobility student to keep the registration and payment of fees and school insurance at FPCEUP duly regularized, within the deadlines set for that purpose, as well as the other students of the Faculty. It is the student's responsibility to take care of all matters related to documentation, travel and accommodation for the preparation and completion of his/her mobility period.

Mobilidade Out


Outgoing Students

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

Rua Alfredo Allen, s/n
4200-135 - Porto - Portugal

Responsible: Emilia Martins

Room: FPCE125
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: (+351) 222 400 610