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Students - Incoming Students

Do you want to live a unique experience? Do you want to broaden your vision of the world? Join FPCEUP and discover how you can enjoy the best Mobility period of your life!

Dear exchange student, welcome to FPCEUP!

Internationalization is a priority axis for the development of FPCEUP!

One of its main goals is to encourage and promote mobility opportunities for studies and internships under the Erasmus+ Program and the Cooperation Agreements as a way of internationalizing students, providing them with more cultural and life experiences that may contribute to the enrichment of their academic and professional career and, above all, as citizens of the world.

We are certain that at the end of this experience you will take in your luggage a handful of new achievements, new skills and especially new friendships!

We hope that this will be an opportunity to grow not only as a student but above all as a person.

Remember, you are not alone in this great adventure, we are right here beside you, helping you to write your mobility story step by step!

Co-operation Programmes and Agreements

ERASMUS+ is the European Union's programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for 2021-2027, which promotes, among other activities, the mobility of higher education students between the Member States of the European Union.

The overall objective of this programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in the fields of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Thus contributing to sustainable growth, quality employment and social cohesion, as well as boosting innovation and strengthening European identity and active citizenship.

Cooperation protocols with several extra-EU higher education institutions, aimed, among other activities, at student exchanges.

Do you want to go on a short-term mobility programme?
Visit another country and learn from students from all over Europe?
Take a look to the BIP’s opportunities that might be an option for you.

What is a BIP?

The Blended Intensive Programmes are a new and inclusive mobility format: a short, intensive program that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including online cooperation, aiming to enrich and diversify the experience of students and staff who would learn or train or teach abroad.

As the general objective for the new Erasmus+ program is to boost learning and training opportunities in Europe and worldwide and to include more people in this experience, blended (short-term) mobilities it is an important step to ensure that the program is accessible not only to students from all backgrounds, circumstances, study fields and study levels but also to teaching and administrative staff in higher education institutions can also use blended mobility for teaching and training purposes.

Blended mobility programs are developed and implemented by a minimum of three Higher Education Institutions (HEI) from at least three EU Member States and third countries associated to the programme and funded by the Erasmus+ mobility scheme.

This format seeks to provide an intensive learning experience that combines a short-term physical mobility (5 to 30 days) abroad with a compulsory virtual component (of unlimited duration), where participants have the opportunity to work together to develop curriculum and blended activities, which include challenge and practical projects. A minimum of 3 ECTS credits must be awarded to students.

BIPs are an excellent opportunity for students and staff to expand their knowledge, develop interpersonal and intercultural skills, experience new cultures and enhance their professional development, contributing to the development of international cooperation, crucial for promoting quality higher education on a global scale.

Who can apply?

Students regularly enrolled in an undergraduate, master or doctoral programme at FPCEUP.

Mobility grants

The physical mobility of the BIP is funded by the student’s home university through Erasmus+ mobility grants. The amount depends on the Erasmus+ per diem applicable in the host country, the means of transport used, the length of stay and any compensation for disadvantages.

Academic Recognition

A minimum of 3 ECTS credits must be awarded to the student if it is part of the student' study programme.

How to apply?

All applications should be submitted online in SIGARRA at least 60 days in advance.

Check the BIP tutorial HERE (pdf do tutorial)

Where to find BIP courses?

Check the Blended Mobility portal

Further information:

Erasmus Programme Guide

Higher Education Mobility Handbook

Blended Mobility Implementation Guide

Co-operation Programmes without Agreements

Freemover (visiting) students are all undergraduate, master's or doctoral students who wish to carry out a period of study or research at FPCEUP that are not covered by a partnership between their home institution and UPorto/FPCEUP, under the Erasmus+ Programme or a cooperation agreement with extra-EU higher education institutions, aiming, among other activities, at exchange students.

To apply for freemover mobility at FPCEUP, please note that:

Academic requirements

Students must be formally enrolled in a cycle of studies at their home university

The mobility programme must be approved by the home university, by signing a study or research plan.

Students are able to be enrolled in curricular units of the several courses offered at FPCEUP, even if from different curricular years, as long as timetable compatibility, the pre-requirements of each curricular unit and the existence of vacancies are considered.

Students can be enrolled in a maximum of 30 ECTS per semester or 60 ECTS per year.

Students intending to carry out research as part of their master's or doctoral studies must obtain prior acceptance from a FPCEUP’ supervisor.

Academic fees

Freemover students are required to pay academic fees (tuition fees), depending on the cycle of studies, course units and number of ECTS credits chosen, as well as their status as an EU student, international student or CPLP international student.

Also the school insurance must be paid and any other fees applicable to regular FPCEUP’ students.

More information on tuition fees can be found on the FPCEUP’s Academic Portal.

Application Procedures

The application procedures and deadlines are the same as those applicable to mobility within the framework of mobility agreements and programmes. Please check all the information HERE.

The application procedures and deadlines are the same as those applicable to other mobility programmes. Please check all the information HERE.

At the end of the mobility programme, the student will receive:

  • a transcript of records with the results obtained to get academic recognition at the home institution (in case of mobility for studies)
  • a qualitative report from FPCEUP’ supervisor (in case of an internships or research mobility).
HOW TO APPLY: Mobility Step by Step

HOW TO APPLY: Mobility Step by Step

We will be happy to support you in planning and carrying out your studies/internships at FPCEUP.

Below you will find all the information you need to apply for the following opportunities at FPCEUP:

Mobility for studies

In each academic year, international students enrolled in foreign Universities with an existing Erasmus+ Bilateral Agreement or a Cooperation Agreement (eg. Brazil), have the opportunity to carry out a mobility period of studies at FPCEUP, by attending curricular units and obtaining academic recognition in their home university.

Students can apply for a mobility period at FPCEUP according to a limited number of places defined each academic year, therefore if you want to come to FPCEUP, don’t forget to check it with the International Office at your home university.

Please note that, the nomination process of your University and/or the submission of your online application to UP does not ensure, by itself, the acceptance of your mobility!

Student's application is formally accepted, only after receiving the Acceptance Letter issued by the Rectory of U.Porto.

Please do not purchase your trip, rent accommodation or travel to Porto without first being formally accepted by UPorto.

All applications and supporting documents should be submitted ONLINE according to the following deadlines:

  • Full Academic year: from 1st April to 21st May (results to be announced from July);
  • 1st semester: from 1st April to 21st May (results to be announced from July);
  • 2nd semester: from 1st September to 15th October (results to be announced from December).

Please check the Academic Calendar as our academic year is organized as follows:

  • Fall Term or 1st semester: from September to December;
  • Evaluation period: January and middle of February;
  • Spring Term or 2nd semester: from middle of February to the end of May;
  • Evaluation period: June and July.

Students selected by their Home Institution have to register online in order to obtain a username and password to access the Application Form on the University of Porto website.

These credentials will be automatically sent to the student in order to create the Application Form.

We strongly advise the student to read the Online Application Guide also available in the same page (sidebar on the right).

For a more effective and easier way to fill in the application, we recommend students to organize all the required information and documents with the responsible person for the mobility at their Home Institution.

Once the online application form is completed, it must be submitted, printed in pdf (option “Print” sidebar on the right), signed by the student and his/her Mobility Coordinators, stamped and uploaded with all the required documents in ONE single pdf file at UPorto website.

Please note that, the application is completed/finished ONLY after the upload of all mandatory documents!!


  • Online Application Form and Learning Agreement
  • Transcript of Records issued by the Home Institution in Portuguese or English (the ToR is a certificate with a list of all completed subjects, their corresponding ECTS credits, the credits according to a local or national scale and the assigned awarded ECTS grades)
  • Copy of ID Card or Passport
  • Medical certificate (if applicable) confirming the student disability or special need that may interfere with the accomplishment of mobility, particularly in his/her learning process in FPCEUP
  • CV (optional for mobility studies but compulsory for internship/placement mobility)
  • Motivation Letter (optional)


The Learning Agreement is a part of your application form online and it’s a study plan listing the courses you intend to attend during your mobility.

As the University of Porto uses the ECTS Grading system, all courses have a number of ECTS credits which reflects the number of hours and amount of study workload the student has to accomplish in each course.

The credit is the total of all study activities for one course: lectures, seminars, practices, homework, reading, preparation for exams, writing essays, etc. At the University of Porto, one credit corresponds to 27 hours of student total work. The credit load per semester is 30 ECTS and 60 ECTS for one academic year.

We strongly advise mobility students to sign up for a minimum of 20 ECTS per semester when applying, as it is the minimum credit load demanded at UP.

Local grades are awarded on a scale of 0-20 (pass mark 10).


Detailed information about the content of each course is available HERE.

Click on each course to check its content and pre-requisites.

Please note that:

This information is reference and is always subject to possible changes!

It is not guaranteed your enrolment in the chosen courses, as the study programs may change before the start of each semester.

The majority of the curricular units have a limited number of vacancies available.

The choice of curricular units from different years, courses or faculties, may imply incompatibility of timetable and examination calendars.

The timetable of the courses will be available only at the beginning of each semester.

The Learning Agreement approved by FPCEUP is subject to adjustments/changes upon arrival of the student at FPCEUP.


Students can choose courses from the 1st to the 3rd year, however cannot choose the following:

  • E107 SIMF: Contexts of Work and Mediation in Education;
  • E512 SIMF: Initiation to the areas of professionalization in Education/Training;
  • E608 SIMF: Unit Contact with the outside.

Students are encouraged to choose courses “Suitable for English-speaking students”.

The 1st degree in Education Sciences is not addressed to training teachers or early childhood educators.

First Degree in PSYCHOLOGY

Students can choose courses from the 1st to the 3rd year.

Students are encouraged to choose courses “Suitable for English-speaking students”

  • Master Degree Courses
    Only students attending an equivalent post-graduate level at their home university may be enrolled in Master's curricular units.
  • Master Degree in EDUCATION SCIENCES
    Students may choose all courses from the 1st year of the Master, but courses of theSpecific Curricular Unit 3, because only full degree students can attend them.


Students may choose ONLY Optional Courses from the 1st year of the Master.

We cannot assure vacancies available in the areas of “Clinical and Health Psychology” and “Psychology of Justice and Deviance”.

Students are encouraged to choose courses “Suitable for English-speaking students”.

Doctoral Degree Courses

For both doctoral programmes, mobility students can only attend courses from the 1styear.

Acceptance Procedure

Once all needed documents have been uploaded, including the application form, FPCEUP will decide on your acceptance by validating your application. Only after that, the International Office of the University of Porto will issue and send you the official Acceptance Letter and the Approved Learning Agreement, which means that you are formally accepted!

Please do not purchase your trip, rent accommodation or travel to Porto without first being formally accepted by UPorto!

All courses lectured at FPCEUP are taught in Portuguese and the majority of them require fluent verbal interaction in Portuguese language, so students should try to have some preparation in Portuguese before their arrival (minimum recommended level B1) otherwise students cannot attend them.

For information about Portuguese Language Courses offered at the UPorto click HERE or contact directly the: Continuing Education Office (Academic Management Office) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto:

Phone: (+351) 226 077 165 | e-mail: [email protected]

A language certificate is not mandatory, although we recommend a B2 level in English language and a B1 level in Portuguese language knowledge.

Some lectures may allow students to write assignments and take exams in other languages, namely in English, but this situation can only be agreed upon arrival, individually.

Students are encouraged to choose courses “Suitable for English-speaking students”. This doesn't mean that the classes are taught in English, as the majority will be taught in Portuguese, however English may be used for assessment purposes (study/pedagogical materials, exams, etc.) and tutorials in English will be provided, whenever possible.

Mobility For Internships/Traineeships


Erasmus+ provide mobility grants for students who wish to carry out a placement/internship abroad, in a European country entity (SMP mobility). In this case, bilateral agreements between institutions are not necessary only a Training Agreement.

If you want to apply for a placement/internship at FPCEUP you should:

Contact the Research Center/Lab/Department where you want to do your traineeship directly OR

Contact theMobility Office ([email protected]) by providing a brief description of the internship (objectives, area of interest, activities to develop, duration…), your CV and a Transcript of Records, in order to find you a supervisor.

As soon as the arrangements between your training supervisor and yourself are set up, you can fill in the application form online by choosing the option “Programme Erasmus+ Placements: Mobilities for Placements under Erasmus+ Program”.

During the application process you need to prepare the training agreement where you must indicate:

  1. The activities to be developed:
  2. The competences to be acquired;
  3. The tasks to be performed by the student at the Host Institution;
  4. The evaluation of the internship.

The Learning Agreement for Traineeships must be signed by you and also signed and stamped by the Erasmus coordinator/scientific supervisor at your home institution and uploaded with all the required documents in ONE pdf file at UPorto website.


If you are a PhD student you can apply for a placement/internship at FPCEUP to carry out research work as part of your doctoral project.

In this case you should:

Contact directlythe Professor that will be your supervisor at FPCEUP OR

Contact theMobility Office ([email protected]) by providing a brief description of your PhD project, proposed working plan and your CV. At the same time, you should contact the Postgraduate Office to get information about your acceptance by the Scientific Council of the FPCEUP

When the arrangements between your training supervisor and yourself are concluded, you can fill in the application form online by choosing the option “Cooperation Agreement - Placements ”.

Please bear in mind that, you are not able to attend courses, therefore you should fill in the “Work program” field a brief description of the planned research work you will develop at FPCEUP and indicating the name of your future supervisor at FPCEUP.

The Application Form and Work Program must be signed by you and also signed and stamped by the Mobility coordinator/scientific supervisor and the professor responsible at your home institution. After that, upload all the required documents in ONE single pdf file at UPorto website.

Please note that, in case of an internship/placement, no grades or ECTS credits will be awarded, only a qualitative report could be provided by FPCEUP’ Supervisor.

All applications and supporting documents must be submitted ONLINE 2 months before the internship / research stay.
Please check the Academic Calendar, since it is organised as follows:
Autumn period or 1st semester: from September to December;
Spring or 2nd semester: from mid-February to the end of May.

Online Application

Students selected by their Home Institution have to register online in order to obtain a username and password to access the Application Form on the University of Porto website.

These credentials will be automatically sent to the student in order to create the Application Form.

We strongly advise the student to read the Online Application Guide also available in the same page (sidebar on the right).

For a more effective and easier way to fill in the application, we recommend students to organize all the required information and documents with the responsible person for the mobility at their Home Institution.

Once the online application form is completed, it must be submitted, printed in pdf (option “Print” sidebar on the right), signed by the student and his/her Mobility Coordinators, stamped and uploaded with all the required documents in ONE single pdf file at UPorto website.

Please note that, the application is completed/finished ONLY after the upload of all mandatory documents!!

Mandatory documents

  1. Online Application Form and Training Agreement
  2. Transcript of Records issued by the Home Institution in Portuguese or English (the ToR is a certificate with a list of all completed subjects, their corresponding ECTS credits, the credits according to a local or national scale and the assigned awarded ECTS grades)
  3. Copy of ID Card or Passport
  4. Medical certificate (if applicable) confirming the student disability or special need that may interfere with the accomplishment of mobility, particularly in his/her learning process in FPCEUP
  5. CV (optional for mobility studies but compulsory for internship/training mobility)
  6. Motivation Letter (optional)

Acceptance Procedure

Once all needed documents have been uploaded, including the application form, FPCEUP will decide on your acceptance by validating your application. Only after that, the International Office of the University of Porto will issue and send you the official Acceptance Letter and the Approved Learning Agreement/Work Program.

Please don’t forget that, in both cases, you should previously fulfil all our procedures and application deadlines to be officially considered and recognized by UP/FPCEUP!


Your mobility request has been accepted? Great.

We know that you are excited to start this new adventure, but before start packing take a look to the information below:

Before Arrival

Confirm the required documents before leaving for Porto:

  • Acceptance Letter;
  • Confirmation of Accommodation;
  • Identification document (ID card/Passport);
  • Temporary Residence Permit (residence under 1 year) / Resident Permit (residence over 1 year);
  • European Health Insurance Card / Certificate of Entitlement to Healthcare (CDAM/PB4) / Private Insurance;
  • Pocket money (cash for current costs);
  • Learning Agreement/Internship/Traineeship Contract.

Before travelling to Portugal, we recommend you to read the International Student Guide, where you will find the answers you need to start your experience at UPorto!

All subjects lectured are taught in Portuguese and the majority of them require fluent verbal interaction in the Portuguese language, therefore International students are advised to learn some Portuguese language before coming to FPCEUP.

Some teachers may allow students to write assignments and take exams in other languages, namely in English, but this situation can only be agreed upon arrival, on a case-by-case basis.

A language certificate is not mandatory, although we recommend a B2 level in English language and a B1 level in Portuguese language knowledge.

We strongly recommend international students the attendance of a Portuguese as a Foreign Language Course offered by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLUP).

Please be aware that, the Courses of Portuguese for Foreigners are open/independent language courses, so they are not included in the Learning Agreement.

The credits that you get for attending the CPF course is an extra to the learning agreement.

Students will be given a test at the end of the course to assess their knowledge. If students attend at least 75% of classes and get a positive mark in the last exam, they will get a certificate issued by FLUP at the end, granting them 6 ECTS credits. Please confirm with FLUP the cost of its issue.

Students accepted to do a mobility period at FPCEUP, will receive an official Letter of Acceptance issued by U.Porto's International Relations Office, that should be used to obtain the study visa in the Portuguese Consulate of their area of residence.

Students from EU countries are allowed to enter in Portugal upon the presentation of a valid Identity Card, Citizen Card or Passport. Nevertheless, students that will be staying in the country for longer than 3 months, should apply for your registration certificate at the Porto City Hall at the end of the 3-month period.

All exchange students coming from Non-EU countries should hold a study visa issued by the Portuguese Embassy or Consulate in their home country. Nevertheless, if you have not undergone any checks by the immigration service, you should go to the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) within 3 days of your arrival in Portugal to register your entry (Declaration of Entry). This process is mandatory and the deadlines should be met.

If you already have your Residence Visa, you should book your interview with SEF to request your Residence Permit. This permit can be extended until the end of your period of studies, research, internship or professional training.

The Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) considers that a student who does not have a study visa is in an irregular situation and may be prohibited from entering the country.

Students should have their own travel/private Health Insurance or the European Health Insurance Card.

Medical Services of the University are also available for international students.


Now that your mobility adventure is about to begin, don’t forget to:

Œ Schedule the Online Registration Meeting with the International Relations Office of UPorto’s Rectory, located at Praça Gomes Teixeira, in order to be registered (following the e-mail that UP Rectory will send to you about it).

The purpose of this meeting is to carry out your official registration at the University of Porto and allow you to be enrolled at FPCEUP.

 Bring the following documents to the Registration Meeting at the Rectory:

  • Identification document: Identity Card (for EU students) or Passport;
  • Visa: Residence Permit or Temporary Visa (whichever applicable, for non-EU students);
  • Health document: European Health Card, Private Insurance or PB4 (for Brazilian students).

All students must ensure that the registration is concluded before the beginning of the classes, therefore please schedule your registration meeting as soon as possible!!!


Before the beginning of the classes, we will send you all the information about how to do your registration/enrollment at FPCEUP.

Please note that, for any reason, if you cannot attend classes from the first day, you should arrive at FPCEUP no later than the end of the first week of classes, otherwise you will miss the first classes that are very important, as teachers will define the activities/tasks to be carried out, including assignment and distribution of working groups and assessment.

In case you cannot arrive on time, please inform us asap, through the email [email protected].

Buddy FPCE.UP is a project created to promote the academic integration of exchange students in FPCEUP with the help of volunteer students. All mobility students coming to FPCEUP will have a Buddy.

If you need any support before your arrival at FPCEUP please send an email to [email protected].

University Halls of Residence

UP’s International Office manages accommodation in the University Halls of Residence in collaboration with the Accommodation Unit of the Social Support Services of the University of Porto (SASUP), and you should express your interest by filling in page 4 of the Application form. The request will be only considered after the approval of the Learning Agreement proposed and by order of the application´s acceptance, however it does not guarantee the attribution of a place in the University of Porto Halls of Residence.

Private Accommodation

Private Accommodation links (University Residences/flats/rooms):
Please note that the University of Porto is not responsible for this type of accommodation, since the management of these requests is external to the University.

FPCEUP is located at Asprela University Campus in Paranhos/Hospital de São João, where you have a METRO station “Pólo Universitário” (Yellow Line) in front of the faculty.

Keep this in mind when looking for accommodation, as the length of this Yellow Line crosses Douro’s River, from Porto to Vila Nova de Gaia, that it is 15/20 minutes away from FPCEUP.

Find out how to get the best experience, inside and outside the classroom, at U.Porto.


Incoming Students

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

Rua Alfredo Allen, s/n
4200-135 - Porto - Portugal

Responsible: Isabel Neves

Room: FPCE125
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: (+351) 222 400 610