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Pedagogic Innovation and Merit - Pedagogic Innovation

The FCNAUP seeks to update its educational models in the face of pedagogical, societal and technological challenges.

Pedagogical innovation at FCNAUP is present in the following axes of action:

Use of information and communication technologies in education and training

  • Use of specific software in the area of Nutrition Sciences in the classroom context;
  • Use of the U.Porto e-learning platform to support teaching;
  • Blended learning and MOOCs (distance learning) training courses.

Promotion of research skills in the various study cycles

  • Introduction to undergraduate research and fieldwork;
  • Methodologies of scientific research in the 2nd and 3rd cycles.

Development of transversal skills and entrepreneurship

  • Dynamisation of the training offer in transversal competencies, in the area of research of scientific information, dissemination of science and innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • Promotion of employability skills in the context of Internship preparation seminars and others promoted by the Employability and Alumni Unit;
  • Completion of the 1st cycle academic internship in a professional environment.


Currently, the FCNAUP, through Prof. Pedro Graça and Prof. Isabela Ottoni, leads a working group in the Euglogh network that aims to improve Pedagogical Innovation in the 9 European universities of the network. During four years, 2023-2026, it is intended to:

  • Create a catalogue of opportunities for teachers on innovative pedagogy;
  • Provide teachers with a variety of educational and professional development opportunities and inspire multi-professional learning for the multicultural, digital and inclusive classroom;
  • Enable teachers to design learning experiences using a new range of learner-centred pedagogical tools;
  • Share knowledge and good practice on joint course quality assessment and education development and inspire student participation in education design.