Building sustainable careers for PhD candidates and recent graduates is our concern, but also a topic our national and international partners are keeping an eye out. Below, you can find offers, resources and tools from U.Porto, but also from our partners. More information about future editions at the Talent and Career’s agenda!

- These training opportunities are organised as part of research projects or by R&D groups and are funded, so they are not recurrent. They operate in e-learning (fully distance learning) or b-learning format, with an online component for asynchronous exploration of materials and synchronous activities, as well as a face-to-face component for practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired and skills development. The programme usually consists of around 12 face-to-face hours and does not necessarily award ECTS or include formal assessment. These courses address transversal skills transferable to future doctoral careers and are available to all doctoral students, regardless of their field of study.
- The face-to-face component can take place at the University of Porto or in another European country, with travelling expenses to attend this component covered by project funding. The language of instruction is English and certification is issued by the higher education institution hosting the face-to-face component. The issuance of digital credentials may be considered and such training may be included in the diploma supplement.
- For future applications, keep an eye on our Talent and Career diary and social media!
- The University of Porto offers courses on transversal and transferable skills relevant to future doctoral careers and are available to all doctoral students, regardless of their field of study. Normally, the training takes place on a face-to-face basis, with materials available online for exploration during the course. These recurrent opportunities with a registration period take place at one of the Faculties of the University of Porto, covering both theoretical and practical content. The course programme can be in English or Portuguese and has a typical workload of around 12 face-to-face hours and 22 hours of self-study, equivalent to 1 or 1.5 ECTS, or approximately 24 face-to-face hours, corresponding to 3 ECTS. These courses are assessed and credited. Students can enrol through a specific plan, credit the courses in their study plans afterwards or attend them extracurricularly. In addition, it is possible to include these courses in the diploma supplement.
- Useful links: Competence Framework for Researchers | FEUP offers | FCUP offers
- These programmes are intensive and challenge-based, always in b-learning format. They consist of an online component for asynchronous exploration of materials and synchronous activities, complemented by a face-to-face component for practical application of theoretical knowledge and development of competences, thus demonstrating their acquisition and improvement. The programme usually has a workload of approximately 12 face-to-face hours and includes assessment, awarding ECTS credits.
- The focus of these programmes is the development of transversal skills transferable to future doctoral careers. The face-to-face component can take place at the University of Porto or in another European country, with students' travel expenses to participate in this component being covered by the ERASMUS programme through grants. The language of instruction is English and certification is granted by the higher education institution hosting the face-to-face component of the programme. These courses can be included in the diploma supplement, providing official recognition of the skills acquired during the doctoral course. An example of this type of programme is the SGroup BIP on Doctoral Education.
- Offer: Individual career support.
- Descriçption: Personalised career sessions online. Schedule here a free 20 intro call to receive recommendations on career consultants specialised in science careers. Please mention in the intro call that you reached us through UP Doctoral Careers to get access to a 5% discount voucher on a putative purchased session.
- Offer: Job market preparation and transferable skills courses and workshops; career mentoring.
- Description: Our aim is to boost our clients' awareness and decision-making skills so that they are more successful and feel good about themselves. We work in the areas of personal and career development and provide coaching, mentoring, interview preparation, personality assessment and pitch preparation services. Contact us for more information! Please mention in your contact that you reached us through UP Doctoral Careers to get access to a 10% discount voucher on a putative purchased session.
- Offer: Career Coaching Program (Transitioning from academia to Industry); Career Coaching Program (How to navigate the academic system); Leadership Coaching Program (For you looking for a leadership position or want to develop your leadership skills),
- Description: Seeing the lack of support for people transitioning from academia to industry, Tina Persson founded Passage2Pro which is built on the principle that every client can benefit from customised professional development coaching for professional growth. We offer a diverse range of services, including career coaching for those preparing for career advancement, leadership development for aspiring leaders, and team building strategies for organisations. Our services are ideally suited for professionals in academia and research sectors who are looking to transition into industry roles, as well as PhD candidates and holders and organisations seeking to develop strong leadership skills and build high-performing teams. We take a holistic approach to our clients' needs, so we don't simply offer a one-size-fits-all program. Instead, we work with each person individually to craft a roadmap that's tailored specifically to their needs.
Please mention in your contact that you reached us through UP Doctoral Careers to get the access to the following discount:
- Career Coaching Programme
- Leadership Coaching Program
- Link
- Description: Free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
- Link
- Description: The PhD Hub centralises research collaboration opportunities in Europe by connecting researchers, enterprises and society at large.
- Link
- Description: Individual Development Plan for postdoctoral in the sciences.
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- Description: Individual Development Plan designed specifically for students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences.
- Link
- Description: European Union´s platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other.
- Link
- Description: Portal to research and compare PhD programmes and postgraduate doctorate studies worldwide.
- Link
- Description: The FCT funds research grants through specific programs designed to support short-term advanced training.
- Link
- Description: Scholarship or internship program in the US.
On the road to achieving your professional goals, adopting a proactive attitude towards your career can be the key to unlocking countless opportunities. We encourage you to explore resources other than the ones we've presented and find the opportunities that suit your needs and interests!
UP Doctoral Careers is an initiative stemming from the PhD Career Design project, initiated in 2021. It involved a technical team comprising members from various units within the University of Porto, including the Talent and Career Centre, Work Psychology Consulting Service, FEUPs Talent Unit, ICBAS Student Support, Employability and Alumni Office, I3S, and the Teaching and Learning Laboratory. Additionally, it was supported by the Portuguese funding "Skills for a Next Generation U.Porto" (Upskilling U.Porto) under POCH-I2-2022-01 Post Covid Competition - Skills for the Future in Higher Education”. Now, it is run by contributions from representatives of U.Porto's Organic Units, Research Centers, PhD candidates, holders, advisors, course directors, companies, and institutions. Furthermore, it is supported by the EUGLOH network and the DocTalent4EU project.