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Pagina de serviço da U.Porto

Talent and Career at the Reception of New Students 2024/2025

UP Doctoral Careers, the new resource center that supports the construction of careers for U.Porto doctoral students and graduates

A survey promoted by the Employment Observatory aims to find out about the careers of graduates and lay the foundations for new strategies to promote

The 2023/2024 edition of the "PairUP: Building Careers Together" program takes place at the faculties of Fine Arts, Sciences and Letters.

Presentation of a paper on the Career Communities promoted by the Talent and Career Center

Presentation of UP Doctoral Careers at the CarCon2024 Conference organized by the Careers Division of the Academy of Management at VU Amsterdam

Talent and Career

The Talent and Career Center is committed to supporting the promotion of lifelong employability and career development of U.Porto students and graduates, by creating connections and establishing partnerships with various national and international entities and bodies, by working collaboratively with the various services at U.Porto and, above all, by actively listening to students and graduates.
