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Funded Projects

The co-funded projects developed at the University of Porto's Talent and Career Centre are the result of our commitment to innovation and high-quality education. Please find out about our funded initiatives below.

Current projects

National Financing


The Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP) aims to contribute to intelligent, sustainable, inclusive growth and economic, social, and territorial cohesion. At U.Porto, the project presents a mobilising agenda for retraining and updating skills (reskilling and upskilling) by promoting the networking of various institutional structures.

Objectives Talent and Career Centre

Responding to the challenge of improving students' employability and fostering entrepreneurial attitudes, mentalities and skills by expanding synergies with the labour market, creating opportunities for mobility between the campus and employers, and deepening pedagogical references for training in "forward-looking skills".


Implementing labour market preparation workshops with the involvement of employers: Peer2Peer and UPgrade Challenge. Development of content for a digital platform capable of supporting the development of lifelong employability for students and graduates of the 3rd cycle of studies, UP Doctoral Careers.


May 2022 - October 2023


The project aims at U.Porto to modernise the training offer, diversifying and improving the conditions for lifelong learning, both in degree-level training (1st and 2nd cycle) and in continuing education, to promote academic success and access to comprehensive training, as citizens and professionals; to improve the employability of students, fostering a network of consistent partnerships with more than a hundred relevant external entities in each scientific area; to modernise U.Porto's teaching-learning and research spaces and technological infrastructures.

Objectives Talent and Career Centre

Responding to the challenge of contributing to lifelong learning, particularly about the personal, social and employability skills of adults as citizens and professionals, and improving the employability of students by fostering a network of partnerships.


Design of a continuing education course as part of the Impulso Adulto Programme in partnership with the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of U.Porto, called "Employability Skills" and design of three programmes to support career development and employability, with the involvement of employers, aimed at the STEAM and Social and Human Sciences areas.


2022 a 2026

+information about the U.Porto Multidisciplinary Training Programme - Impulso Jovens STEAM & Impulso Adultos

International Financing


European consortium for cooperation in Education, Research, Innovation and Service to Society. Created in 2019 by U.Porto and the universities of Paris-Saclay (France), Ludwig Maximilian Munich (Germany), Lund (Sweden) and Szeged (Hungary). In 2022, the universities of Alcalá (Spain), Hamburg (Germany), Novi Sad (Serbia) and Tromsø - Arctic University (Norway) joined the network. In 2022, the European Commission approved the project's application for a new round of funding in areas such as student and researcher mobility and scientific cooperation.

Objectives Talent and Career Centre

Contribute to the exploitation of synergies between the 9 Higher Education Institutions that are members of the network and connect with external partners, especially about promoting the employability and career development of students and graduates from these institutions, and lead the creation of a career network within EUGLOH to better prepare students for the European and international labour market.


Mapping existing career development support structures in the institutions and good practices and activities developed in the area of talent and careers; carrying out employability studies among students and employers; mapping and disseminating career opportunities in the context of the EUGLOH network and co-developing a set of activities and initiatives that promote the employability and careers of students and graduates.


EUGLOH 2.0 from 2022 to 2026 | EUGLOH from 2019 to 2022

+information about the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH)

Completed Projects

International Financing


This project aims to capitalise on the results of the previous Cross-Border Generation of Quality Employment (GEMCAT) project to promote Corporate Social Responsibility + Equality (CSR+I) measures in organisations and the Generation of Quality Cross-Border Employment, improving the institutional capacity and efficiency of public administration through cross-border cooperation. This project incorporates new actions in relation to the previous project regarding equal opportunities, conciliation and corporate responsibility.

A joint project between the U.Porto, Braga City Council and the Xunta da Galicia.

Objectives Talent and Career Centre

To contribute to the transfer of knowledge on CSR+I to SMEs through a pilot cross-border virtual space and the organisation of working circles with companies to identify improvements in the promotion of CSR+I measures; to disseminate the results and conclusions generated with a view to a future project aimed at promoting the implementation of CSR+I measures in companies and contributing to an increase in quality employment.


Holding two training courses for companies on reconciling personal, family and professional life and the inclusive labour market, available on the e-learning platform created under the project; organising two working circles with companies on the difficulties they face in implementing social responsibility and equality initiatives in the workplace and to identify improvements in public employment policies; holding a cross-border forum for companies, with an emphasis on the textile industry (June 2023) on trends in CSR and labour equality policies and the needs and areas for improvement in these areas.


January 2023 - June 2023

+information about the GEMCAT_CAPITALIZA


In line with Axis 4 of the Cross-Border Territorial Cooperation Programme for Spain and Portugal 2014-2020, the Cross-Border Project for Generating Quality Employment (GEMCAT) had as one of its main challenges to achieving a labour market in harmony with intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth, which emphasizes job creation and poverty reduction.

A joint project between U.Porto and the Alto Minho Intermunicipal Community, Braga City Council, Junta de Castilla y León, Junta de Extremadura, Xunta de Galicia.

Objectives Talent and Career Centre

To help build a framework for institutional cooperation in the cross-border labour market between Spain and the north of Portugal and to create a social dialogue in the regions of the cross-border area between Spain and the north of Portugal; to promote equal opportunities and conciliation measures, as well as corporate social responsibility measures in companies.


Participation in Cross-Border Social Dialogue tables in the Industry 4.0 sector and participation in the Textile sector table; holding an Industry 4. 0; setting up, together with the Alto Minho Inter-Municipal Community, a social responsibility laboratory - RSE-Innolab do Norte de Portugal; carrying out a study on "Demographic evolution and implications for the cross-border labour market", which provided for the creation of a multi-regional working committee to analyse the demographic evolution of the border area and find out about trends and the degree of ageing and birth in the cross-border population; dissemination of the project's results.


2017 a 2021

+information about the GEMCAT


EMPLE-AP is a proposal aimed at improving the employability and labour market insertion rates of graduates from higher education institutions in the Pacific Alliance countries (Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile), through permanent monitoring and analysis of the needs and characteristics of the labour market and the construction of national guidelines and policies that contribute to the creation of a relevant training offer for the Higher Education Institutions of the participating countries.

Joint project between U. Porto and Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia), Corporación Universitaria UNITEC (Colombia), Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), Universidad Autónoma del Noreste (Mexico), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico), Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile), Instituto Profesional de Providencia (Chile), Universidad Cesar Vallejo (Peru), Universidad Continental (Peru), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), Università' Degli Studi Di Siena (Italy), Université de Bordeaux (Paris) and ILUMNO (Latin America).

Objectives Talent and Career Centre

To contribute to the creation of a Regional Labour Observatory in Latin America whose main objective was to assess the incorporation of university students into the labour market; to promote joint work between Higher Education Institutions, Ministries of Education and the productive sector to guarantee a relevant offer of higher education that responds to the needs of the labour market in the countries of the Pacific Alliance and; to promote the exchange of experiences and methodologies of employability services and indices between Higher Education Institutions in Europe and Latin America.


Participation in the production of studies on the analysis of the employability context of the Pacific Alliance countries; implementation of good employability practices in Europe and Latin America; development of an employability survey for the Pacific Alliance and creation of the Pacific Alliance Regional Labour Observatory; follow-up and monitoring of the progress and results obtained during the implementation of the observatory and employability strategies in Latin American institutions; dissemination of project results.



+information about the EMPLE-AP PROJECT