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Social Support Fund

The Social Support Fund of the University of Porto (FAS) is a support programme for students in a situation of proven economic hardship, which aims to contribute to the fight against early school leaving and failure, and to the acquisition and development of transversal skills that promote employability and professional success.

Developed as part of the University of Porto's social responsibility, it has two modalities:

Emergency allowances

Grants intended to contribute to the costs of attending a study cycle for students whose social emergency situation meets the eligibility criteria defined in article 8 of the FAS Regulation and who, for reasonable reasons, cannot be included within the scope of the scholarship system established within the framework of the Social Action for Higher Education.

Collaborators Scholarship

Support for the part-time participation of students in activities developed by organic units or autonomous services of the University of Porto, through the granting of financial compensation proportional to the number of hours of collaboration, without ever constituting a legal employment relationship.

The Collaborators' Grant is organised by SASUP and operationalised in articulation with U.Porto entities that propose collaborative activities.

The Collaborators' Grant has generated an increasing interest and demand among students, namely due to the expectation that their participation/collaboration in activities of this scope will allow them to obtain an important financial support to face economic needs in conditions compatible with the fulfilment of their academic commitments and the acquisition of important skills in the management of their study activities and their future integration in the labour market.