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The mission of the Food Service is to guarantee an equitable diet for the academic community, always bearing in mind the diversification and quality of the food products and following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO).

SASUP seeks to provide healthy and varied meals in various food units.

SASUP makes available to the Academic Community of U.Porto, in particular to students, the following food units:

  • 8 Canteens - Social meals;
  • 4 Bars - Alternative Meals;
  • 1 Restaurant - Alternative and differentiated meals;
  • 1 Grill - Alternative and differentiated meals.

Besides the daily service, the Food Service provides additional services to support events organised or held at U.Porto by the academic community, such as coffee-breaks, ports of honour, corporate lunches and dinners.


Serviços de Ação Social da U.Porto (SASUP) - Alimentação/Food

Rua dos Bragas, n.º 151,
4050-123 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 222 005 435
E-mail: [email protected]
Responsável/Responsible: Susana Ribeiro