The newsletter gives further information about the considerable progress reached by the partnership since the publication of the second newsletter in March.
The web-based e-assessment platform was finalised and available to the public. Demonstrations and presentations of the tool and the used assessment model took place in several international conferences including the IACEE 2015 workshop on online learning in Beijing, China, the 47th EUCEN Conference in Istanbul, the EDEN Annual Conference in Barcelona and the EUNIS Elearning Task Force Workshop in Dundee.
The successfull TALOE webinar series will continue during the fall as well with the new webinar titled “Mind the Gap! Perceptual differences and learning” scheduled on 16 September 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET. The lecturer will be Steve Wheeler, associate professor of Learning Technology in Plymouth Institute of Education, Plymouth University.
The newsletter is circulated via the partnership’s mailing lists of their members and stakeholders, and social networks.