Learn and experiment the webtool to propose assessment methods related with type of learning outcomes/competences.
Tuesday, 17th November 2015
Brussels (BE), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Campus du Solbosch (building S)
Av. F. D. Roosevelt, 50, 1050 Bruxelles
Registration is free. Seats are limited. Please register sending an email to [email protected]. Include in your message your full name, job title, organization and contact details such as email address, telephone and postal address. Confirmation of availability will be sent by email.
The seminar will take place between 14h and 17h30 with a break at 15h30 to 16h. It will be held in conjunction with the EUCEN Autumn Seminar: University continuing education, a strategic investment – Innovations and Practices in Evaluation. To attend the other sessions of the EUCEN Autumn Seminar you need to register in the event’s website.
Your comments are welcome on our Facebook event page.
First Session
14:00 – 15:30 | TALOE Project – Assessment of learning
TALOE project has delivered a webtool that advises about proper methods of assessment aligned with the different types of learning outcomes or competences to be verified. The tool is applicable to all areas of knowledge as long as there is a definition of learning outcomes or competences. This first session will be on the implementation made by the ALOA model of revised Bloom’s taxonomy and alignment of Anderson et al, Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto, Portugal
15:30 | Coffee break
Second Session
16:00 | Test the tools workshop – Come and try the outcomes of projects!
New webtool to support assessment of learning, application of case studies and debate about results, by Sandra Kucina, University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Croatia