7th Webinar


Be aware what you are asking for! Assessment criteria and analytics.

Date and time
Wednesday, 21 October 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET – WATCH THIS WEBINAR

Blaženka Divjak Prorektoricasveuèilišta u Zagrebu.
Blaženka DIVJAK
Professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics

Background and Summary
In higher education very often assessment guides student learning. Therefore it is essential to design assessment that encourage deep approach to learning as well as assessment methods that are clearly connected with intended learning outcomes of the study program or the course. It is widely accepted that assessment should be based on well defined assessment criteria, but it is very rarely explained how to define them. Furthermore, when assessment criteria and learning outcomes are defined, they can easily be implemented by rubrics in a virtual environment. In virtual enviroment that genarates big amount of valuable data that by learning analytics can be successfully collect, analyse, visualized and used. That data are valuable feedback for students and teachers to enhance learning and  teaching and process.  In the webinar two case studies will be presented dealing with creation of assessment rubrics, their implementation and follow up learning analytics.

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