3rd Webinar


Reflections on collaborative assessment: materiality, dialogue and group connoisseurship

Date and time
Wednesday, 22 April 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET – WATCH THIS WEBINAR

Clara O’SHEA
Associate Lecturer with the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh
Programme Coordinator for the MSc in Clinical Education at the University of Edinburgh

Background and Summary
Using a collaborative wiki assignment for a postgraduate online distance course. The discussion will focus on three productive challenges when tackling group work in digital environments: the role of the material in the learning assemblage; the tension between dialogic education and assessment; and the necessary shift in focus from individual to group ‘connoisseurship’ to create a shared understanding of academic quality.

Your comments or questions to the presenter are welcome on our Facebook Page where you can also express your interest at participating the webinar by joining this event.

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