Category Archives: Newsletters

Final Project Newsletter

The TALOE (Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning) project has reached its end. The project ran for two years, co-funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme, approaching the e-assessment concept by using technology for assessing students’ learning. Please find the full version of final project newsletter here.

It was funded on the premises of two previous initiatives. One was the ALOA model for the Alignment of Learning Outcomes and Assessment -, which uses the revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy to establish the link between the LOs and general assessment methods. Our project used the same methodology with adapting it to the specific context of e-learning and e-assessment. The other main input for the project in particular regarding the template for describing the learning outcomes is the outcomes of the VIRQUAL project.

The partnership was led by the University of Porto and it consisted of five universities, two organisations of educational technology development and two international networks of educational professionals.

We thank you for following our progress and we hope that the results listed below will continue to be a valuable contribution for your professional work.

Best regards,

the TALOE Team

If you wish to get in touch with the team, please find contact details here.

3rd TALOE Newsletter is now available

The newsletter gives further information about the considerable progress reached by the partnership since the publication of the second newsletter in March.

The web-based e-assessment platform was finalised and available to the public.  Demonstrations and presentations of the tool and the used assessment model took place in several international conferences including the IACEE 2015 workshop on online learning in Beijing, China, the 47th EUCEN Conference in Istanbul, the EDEN Annual Conference in Barcelona and the EUNIS Elearning Task Force Workshop in Dundee.

The successfull TALOE webinar series will continue during the fall as well with the new webinar titled “Mind the Gap! Perceptual differences and learning” scheduled on 16 September 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET. The lecturer will be Steve Wheeler, associate professor of Learning Technology in Plymouth Institute of Education, Plymouth University.

The newsletter is circulated via the partnership’s mailing lists of their members and stakeholders, and social networks.

2nd TALOE Newsletter is now available

The newsletter gives further information about the considerable progress reached by the partnership since the first newsletter.
The second issue contains the following articles:

• The case studies classification
• The integration of the e-assessment practices in the ALOA model
• The web-based e-assessment platform
• TALOE series of webinars “Talks on E-assessment and Learning Outcomes”
• International events where TALOE will be presented in 2015
• A list of recommended readings

The newsletter is circulated via the partnership’s mailing lists of their members and stakeholders, and social networks.

TALOE project presents its first newsletter

The newsletter is intended to give stakeholders further insights into the work of the TALOE partnership, its achievements and future plans.

The first issue contains the following articles:

–          Aims and key outputs

–          Who is it for? – target groups

–          What has been done? – results so far

–          International events where TALOE was and will be presented in 2014

It also introduces the webinar about TALOE project to be held on 26 September.

The newsletter is circulated via the partnership’s mailing lists of their members and stakeholders, and social networks.