6th Webinar


Mind the Gap! Perceptual differences and learning

Date and time
Wednesday, 16 September 2015, starting at 11:00AM CET – WATCH THIS WEBINAR

Steve Wheeler
Associate Professor of Learning Technology in Plymouth Institute of Education, Plymouth University

Background and Summary
As educators in the digital age, we need to be vigilant when there are gaps: generational gaps, gaps in understanding, expectation gaps, gaps in literacy, and intention gaps, especially when we are assessing learning. We need to listen more to our students, but when technology is used, some gaps can be widened or narrowed depending on their deployment. In this presentation I will explore some of the gaps educators encounter, including the generational differences, transactional distances and digital divides we encounter every day. I will discuss flipped roles, digital assessment and technology enhanced learning, with special reference to digital literacies and skills for contemporary society.

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