Tag Archives: EDEN

TALOE participated with a workshop in EDEN conference

The TALOE project attended the EDEN annual conference held from 10-13 July 2014, in Zabreg, promoting a workshop session whose theme under discussion was innovative e-assessment strategies.

The project researched and selected e-assessment practices based on the criteria also developed by the project partners, which focus on both the model type, the pedagogy and the techniques as well. The workshop was an opportunity to discuss the selection criteria and the e-assessment practices. The participantes were split into groups and analyzed some case studies.

This workshop was led by partners Jüri Lőssenko (HITSA), Sandra Kucina (SRCE), Laszlo Komaromi (Denis Gabor College), Inés Gil-Jaurena (UNED, Spain) and Alfredo Soeiro (UPORTO).

EDEN Annual Conference 2014

The EDEN Annual Conference is the largest European conference in the area of e-learning. This year the EDEN Conference: From Education to Employment and Meaningful Work with ICTs will be held in Zagreb on 10 – 13 June 2014, hosted by the University Computing Centre SRCE and the University of Zagreb.

In order to promote a brainstorming concerning the assessment of learning outcomes the TALOE Consortium have presented a proposal for a workshop: http://www.eden-online.org/2014_zagreb/synergy-projects.html

Find out more on the conference website!