Publicações & Press

Evento Multiplicador // Online
11 Fev 2021

Apresentação do Impacto das competências digitais nos séniores

No dia 18 de Fevereiro o #ICTSkills4All organiza um evento online onde se irão debater a importância das competências digitais na população 55+ e apresentar os resultados de dois anos deste projeto.
As inscrições são abertas a toda a comunidade em
Estarão presentes:
» Alexandra Lopes, FLUP
» Henrique Martins, UBI e ISCTE-IUL
» Luís Jacob, RUTIS
» Elisabete Moreira, APRE
» Elísio Costa, ICTskills4All
» Liliana Rodrigues, ICTskills4All
» Kerolyn Ramos, ICTskills4All
» Inês Dias, ICTskills4All


Blogue Post // uniteIT
24 Nov 2020

Computer skills among the community – Dwelling 55+ European Population

Older adults are facing an increasingly technological society which can make them feel excluded. This work aims to evaluate computer skills of Europeans within the age group of 55+, using data from the SHARE project.

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Blogue Post // uniteIT
20 Out 2020

ALL Digital Summit: two projects in one lightning round

ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT: two projects in one lightning round

Nina Pejič from Simbioza and Alessandra Accogli from ALL DIGITAL presented together two of the current projects in which ALL DIGITAL is involved. The idea was to create synergies between two projects that are similar regarding their aims and scope and target involved.

Both ICTSkills4All and ICT4the Elderly aim at fostering the digital skills of old adults aged 55 years and over. Of course, the projects have their own special features and that is what Alessandra and Nina tried to explain in the 5 minutes presentation at their disposal.

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Notícia Online //
21 Ago 2020

The University of Porto promotes digital inclusion in older adults

The UP- Centro de Competências em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável, aka Porto4Ageing, jointly with the Santa Misericórdia do Porto, promotes digital inclusion in older adults through face-to-face training in the framework of the European project ICTskills4All. The goals are as simple: learning basic digital skills for basic tasks, such as sending an email or navigating the internet.

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Newsletter // EI on AHA
01 Abr 2020

New Porto4Ageing reference site project dedicated to Empowering adult citizens for a digital world

The University of Porto is leading an ERASMUS Plus Strategic Partnerships called ICTskills4all for adult education aiming at improving confidence, digital skills and online safety of the senior population who have minimal or no engagement with digital technology..

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Notícias online //
04 Mar 2019

The ICTskills4All project website is now online

The ICTSkills4All’s project website is online and it is now available in English. Soon it will be made available in Portuguese, Latvian, and Polish.

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Notícias online // UPorto
29 Out 2018

Universidade do Porto quer trazer os idosos para o mundo digital

O projeto europeu ICTskills4All é coordenado pela U.Porto e porpõe-se a trabalhar, ao longo dos próximos dois anos, as competências digitais da população sénior.

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Notícias online // Diário de Notícias
22 Out 2018

Universidade do Porto lança projeto para aumentar competências digitais em seniores

A Universidade do Porto (UP) vai lançar na sexta-feira o ‘ICTskills4All’, um projeto que visa “aumentar as competências digitais da população idosa”

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Notícias online // O Jogo
22 Out 2018

Universidade do Porto lança projeto para melhorar as competências digitais em seniores

A Universidade do Porto (UP) vai lançar o “ICTskills4All” esta sexta feira, um projeto que pretende melhorar as competências digitais entre a população senior.

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Jornal // Destak
Out 2018

Dar competências digitais a idosos

A Universidade do Porto lança na sexta-feira o ICTskills4All, projecto para “aumentar as competências digitais da população idosa”

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Blogue Post // uniteIT
21 Jan 2021

ICTskills4All final event

Join us on 10th February at 10 am for the #ICTSkills4All event to talk about how to empower older people for the #digitalworld through intergenerational and peer learning!

We have a great line up of speakers:
* Victor Negrescu MEP, Vice-Chair CULT Committee on Education & Training
* Irina Kalderon Libal, eHealth and Ageing Policy, DG CNECT
* Philippe Seidel, Policy and EP Liaison Officer, AGE Platform
* Quang-Minh Lepescheux, Director, EU Government Affairs, Microsoft
*And representatives from partner organisations:

All Digital
Stowarzyszenie Hipokamp
Cybermoor Alston


Learn more and  register at

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Blogue Post // uniteIT
10 Nov 2020

Working with the elderly in Covid times – the UPorto sessions experience

Throughout the last months, ICTskills4All has faced major challenges to conduct project activities without exposing the elderly to risks. Portugal officially started social isolation in mid-March 2020. The scheduled face-to-face sessions were thus postponed to July, when the health authorities were ab le to cointain the threat and authorized the reopening.

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Blogue Post // uniteIT
14 Oct 2020

‘ICTskills4All’ project embraces resilience to combat isolation

It is undeniable that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been dramatic on the elderly strata of the population, particularly vulnerable and exposed to threats, who have also been forced to isolate as a precaution measure in the prevention of contagious disease spreading.

Consequently, the project ICT Skills 4 All has also been obliged to face the difficulties of implementing a work plan under the severe – yet necessary! – restrictions adopted in Member States, following the recommendations shared by a pool of public health experts, which have inevitably affected and modified daily habits and personal relationships.

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Notícias online //
10 Ago 2020

Uporto põe idosos e pessoas carenciadas a trabalhar com computadores

A Universidade do Porto (UP) promove curso integrado no projeto ICTskills4All que tem como objetivo promover as competências digitais, bem como fomentar a inclusão social dos participantes

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Notícia Online //
09 Nov 2018

ICTskill4All – Empowering old citizens for a digital world – Project kick-off meeting

A new 2-year Erasmus+ KA2 project, called ICTSkills4All – Empowering old citizens for a digital world kicked off on 26 October 2018 at the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal) that will coordinate the project. The project involves ALL DIGITAL and four other partners: HIPOKAMP from Poland, Alliance  Senior Active Riga from Latvia, Cybermoore Services from UK and, as already mentioned, the University of Porto as project coordinator.

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Post em blogue // UCIBIO REQUIMTE
26 Out 2018

Elísio Costa coordena o projeto ICTskills4All para a aquisição de competências digitais entre a população sénior

Elísio Costa, investigador no UCIBIO, do Laboratório de Bioquímica da Faculdade de Farmácia – UPorto, é o coordenador do ICTskills4All, uma parceria estratégica para a formação de adultos…

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Notícias online // Sapo
22 Out 2018

Universidade do Porto lança projeto para melhorar as competências digitais em seniores

“Estamos perante uma alteração muito significativa a nível social e tecnológico e, de facto, cerca de 35% desta população idosa, tanto em Portugal como no resto da Europa, não tem qualquer competência digital”

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Notícias online // Vida Extra – Expresso
22 Out 2018

Universidade do Porto lança projeto para melhorar competências digitais em seniores

Minimizar o isolamento e a segregação é o objetivo do projeto ICTskills4All que será lançado esta sexta feira.

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Post em blogue //
22 Out 2018

Competências digitais de idosos

A Universidade do Porto (UP) vai lançar na sexta-feira o ‘ICTskills4All’, um projeto que visa “aumentar as competências digitais da população idosa”, diminuindo “o isolamento e a segregação”, anunciou hoje o coordenador europeu desta iniciativa.

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Blogue Post // uniteIT
06 Jan 2021

ICTskills4All treinee from Poland shares her experience

Jadwiga from the city of Lodz, Poland, made the first steps in using smartphone and gained some basic skills how to operate computer and internet as part of the ICTSKills4All project raining.

ICTSkills4All is an Erasmus+ Project that aims to explore and test innovative practices and effective approaches for educational programme design and delivery, to support the acquisition of digital skills among 55+ aged citizens who have limited or no digital knowledge. Pilot training activities were happening during 2020 in Latvia, Poland, Portugal, and the UK in different circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic – some managed to still do it face-to-face, others had to move all the training online.

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Blogue Post // uniteIT
26 Out 2020

Working with the elderly in Covid times – the sessions experience

Working with the elderly in COVID times: the Sessions Experience

In the context of the ICTskills4All project, whilst maintaining the primary objective of avoiding exposure for elderly people, the Centre for Intergenerational Integration Hipokamp was able to conduct structured sessions in Poland, based on “New future and reality”. To ensure a safe environment, small working groups were created, with less than 4 participants per group.

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Notícia Online //
24 Ago 2020

Curso para população idosa promove competências digitais básicas

Ensinar a desempenhar tarefas simples, como enviar um e-mail ou navegar na Internet, é o objetivo da iniciativa promovida pelo Centro de Competências em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável da Universidade do Porto.

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Notícia Online //
30 Jul 2020

Projeto ICTskill4All arranca com formação para promover competências digitais em idosos e pessoas carenciadas

O Centro de Competências em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável da Universidade do Porto (Porto4Ageing –, em parceria com a Misericórdia do Porto, iniciou uma formação presencial para promover competências digitais em idosos e pessoas carenciadas, fomentando a inclusão social.

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Notícia Online //
22 Mar 2019

ICTskill4All project meeting in Riga, Latvia

The ICTSkills4All (Empowering older adult citizens for a Digital World) project meeting took place in Riga, Latvia, on 07-08 March 2019 when project partners from University of Porto (Portugual), ALL DIGITAL (Belgium), HIPOKAMP (Poland) and Cybermoor Services (UK) have been welcomed by Alliance Senior Active Riga.

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7 Nov 2018


“Empowering old adults Citizens for a Digital world” é um projeto cujo objetivo é melhorar a confiança, segurança online e competências digitais em seniores.

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Post em blogue // All Digital
26 Out 2018

A Universidade do Porto lança projeto para melhorar competências digitais em seniores

Um novo projeto Erasmus+ KA2, com duração de dois anos, intitulado “ICTSkills4All – Empowering old citizens for a digital world” arrancou a 26 de Outubro de 2018 na Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)…

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Notícias online // ineews
22 Out 2018

University of Porto wants to increase the digital skills of the elderly

The University of Porto (UP) will launch ICTskills4All on Friday a  project aimed of “increasing the digital skills of the elderly population”, reducing “isolation and segregation”, announced the European coordinator of this initiative.

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Notícias online // Público
22 Out 2018

Universidade do Porto lança projeto para aumentar competências digitais em seniores

Financiado pelo programa Eramus+, projecto vai decorrer em mais quatro países europeus e acolher 160 idosos com mais de 55 anos, 40 deles portugueses.

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Notícias online // PortugaliNews
22 Out 2018

A Universidade do Porto quer promover as competências digitais em seniores

“Empowering old adults Citizens for a Digital world” é um projeto que visa aumentar a confiança, segurança online e competências digitais entre seniores.

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