According to the international academic and scientific good practices of the finest publications, Hypothesis Historia Periodical has the following type of double-blind peer-reviewed contributions: Articles (including Reviews), Invited Lecturers f2f Insights, and Round Table Chair Perspectives.

Other contributed articles, such as Opinion contributions, are not usually peer-reviewed, though they may be at the discretion of the editors, especially. Other forms of articles may also be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the editors. The final decision relating to a manuscript’s suitability for the Hypothesis Historia Periodical rests solely with the Editor.

It should be noted the following regarding two specific types of contributions:

  • Round Table Chair Perspectives: this type of contribution is authored by chairs of the Oral Presentation Round Tables of the International Meeting of ‘What if?….’ World History, associated with the Hypothesis Historia Periodical. The Oral Presentation Round Tables are dialogue sessions and this type of contribution reflects the critical perspective of the chairs regarding the works presented, as well as the ensued dialogue and novelty of the themes to the field;
  • Invited Lecturers f2f Insights: this type of contribution is authored by the invited lecturers for the Invited Lectures f2f sessions of the International Meeting of ‘What if?….’ World History, associated with the Hypothesis Historia Periodical. These are dialogue sessions where two renowned researchers and academics, from different areas of expertise, talk and debate ideas around a common Alternative/Alternate History or Alternative/Alternate History akin theme. The contribution is a critical essay of their lecture and interaction during the session. As such, there can be two parts regarding the same session, one for each invited lecturer.