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Theoretical Papers

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Visual Spaces of Change: photographic documentation of environmental transformations

Verticalization: Photographic Explorations Of Complex Urban Phenomena




How to explore photography as a way of problematizing urban phenomena? Is it possible to use different aesthetic concepts, in photography, to expand the dialogue with cities? These two questions guide the photographic research developed as part of the project, “Highrise Living and the Inclusive City”, with a focus in São Paulo / Brazil and Lyon / France. The first question highlights the territory and the production of capitalist urban space by photography realized in fieldwork. The second one involves editing and re-elaborating the images, considering the approximation between the research project, local records and photography aesthetic. The High-Rise Project, on the other hand, discusses the contemporary verticalization process and its spatial and social implications in Sao Paulo city, considering a contextual (São Paulo, Lyon) and multiscale analysis model, while incorporating different reading strategies and territory interpretation. The field study, initially organized as a team, resulted in different materials, including the photographic one, from which discussion and editing meetings were conducted by this researcher, considering possibilities for language experiments in interaction with the territory. The series and photographic montages realized allowed a reflection about the relationship between public spaces and paths capturing a specific ambience to the places; and, also, exploring different comparative strategies that highlight, in the four distinct regions, intense landscape transformation due to verticalization. On the other hand, these photographic setting acquire a relative autonomy in relation to the original project, being placed on the edge of applicated use of image and esthetic research with its own characteristics.


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