As editor of scopio Editions it is a great honour to be writing this closing text about the upcoming book which communicates our last Duelo/Dueto session of Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) series that had as invited authors Valerio Olgiati and Bas Princen. I will start by talking about the book as a privileged medium for Architecture, Art and Image and then go on focusing on this book in particular and its authors.
This conference series had from the start planned a publication for each session with the contribution of the invited speakers and the organization because we believe that the physical book, without prejudice towards the potential of digital publications, is still a tool of paramount importance for preserving and building knowledge, not just for students and academics, but also for all professionals and non-scholars.
The physical book somehow allows the understanding of what was discussed and debated in Duelo/Dueto sessions in a different manner, encouraging and giving the right time to each viewer for a deeper thinking. The reading of these sessions also means that these events of rich exchange of ideas and personal experience between significant authors coming from AAI universe are preserved for future studies. In this way, they can be shared with a larger audience, opening the mind of many to these events and encouraging critical thinking toward a vast horizon of issues related to AAI universe.
It is worth referring also that the specific potential of the physical book as a unique medium to communicate Architecture, Art and Image1 was explored in this publication, which adds to its uniqueness and makes it more an author´s book than the customary conference or roundtable publication.
It was possible to create a visual narrative where the sum is greater than the parts, which we believe has as a result an innovative reading and a more insightful understanding about the thoughts, work and artistic strategies of both authors. Thus, we believe that this book, the second of this series of four publications focused on each session, will foster a significant critical debate related to Architecture, Art and Image, as already happened with our first published book on this series.