A Educação, Sociedade & Culturas (ESC) é uma revista académica com arbitragem científica, publicada pelo Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da Universidade do Porto.

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A revista ESC – Educação, Sociedade & Culturas convida-o/a a submeter trabalho/s sobre temas educativos mais tradicionais e emergentes para possível inclusão nos próximos números da revista. A revista aceita submissões em português, inglês, francês ou espanhol, e não coloca limitações às perspetivas conceptuais e metodológicas.

A ESC é A2 no novo Qualis Periódicos


A revista ESC foi avaliada como A2 no novo Qualis Periódicos, no âmbito da Avaliação Quadrienal 2017-2020. A2 é a segunda classificação mais elevada.



A revista ESC – Educação, Sociedade & Culturas convida-o/a a submeter trabalho/s sobre temas educativos mais tradicionais e emergentes para possível inclusão nos próximos números da revista.

N.º 68 (2024): Doctoral students’ extracurricular activities: multi-national and intercultural enrichment experiences for learning and networking

Editoras Convidadas:

Satu Perälä-Littunen, (aposentada) Universidade de Jyväskylä, Finlândia
Lisa Bugno, Universidade de Padova, Itália


Part of the work of universities worldwide is to train new doctors who can meet current and future challenges and who have the knowledge and skills required in academic life. There are many ways to achieve these goals, and it is necessary to explore these avenues. For the last decades, a diversity of spaces for learning and networking beyond formal ones has been provided to doctoral students. International seasonal schools, intensive programs, international writing retreats, international research communities of practice, and international seminar groups, among others, have been learning opportunities where students have the opportunity to discuss their work with peers, mentors and teachers. These learning spaces are organised by various facilitators such as universities, scientific associations, and researchers who usually focus on the same topic. In many cases, those experiences became even more relevant during the pandemic, keeping some of those activities in online environments with a significant role as a supportive network for social isolation (Cullinane et al., 2022). Now that the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have been lowered in most countries of the world and people seem to be craving to meet other people once again face-to-face, it is reasonable to assume that participating in these learning opportunities will become even more popular.

Publicado: 01-08-2024

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