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On this page you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the U.Porto Card.

  1. Go to your Faculty/Organisational Unit's SIGARRA and authenticate yourself;
  2. Go to your personal page (click on your name/photo in the top right-hand field) and choose the menu option on the right-hand side that says "U.PORTO Card";
  3. On this page, click on the ‘Request Card’ button;
  4. Choose whether you want the bank or non-bank option;
  5. Go to the Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) stand at your Faculty (check the days and locations with the Faculty services or by visiting the U.Porto Welcome portal), or to a CGD branch (see also the question "Which CGD branches are available to apply for the U.Porto Card?").

Please note that the request is only finished when you are attended at the CGD stand/branch.

To request your card, you should go to the CGD stand that will be at your Faculty during the reception activities. If you want the bank version, you must first give permission for U.Porto to transmit extra data to CGD. This will speed up the process at the stand. If you didn't do it then and want to do it now, follow the steps in the question "What should I do to request the U.Porto Card?".

Outside this period, you should go to a CGD branch, preferably one associated with your Faculty.

International undergraduate students (excluding mobility students) will have to go to a CGD branch and cannot request their cards at the CGD stands in their faculties.

If you are a mobility student, you will be contacted to collect your card from the International Relations Service at the U.Porto Rectory.

Although the application can be made at any CGD branch, the branches listed below are preferred, as they are already prepared for this process.

  • FADEUP - Areosa (Costa Cabral);
  • FAUP - Boavista
  • FBAUP - Soares dos Reis
  • FCNAUP - Bessa
  • FCUP - Bessa
  • FDUP - Gonçalo Cristóvão
  • FEP - Damião de Góis
  • FEUP - Damião de Góis
  • FFUP - Carlos Alberto
  • FLUP - Boavista
  • FMDUP - Damião de Góis
  • FMUP - Damião de Góis
  • FPCEUP - Areosa (Costa Cabral)
  • ICBAS - Carlos Alberto
  • Reitoria - Agência Central (Pr. D. João I)
  • SASUP - Agência Central (Pr. D. João I)

Consult the location of CGD branches.

The University of Porto - together with CGD - is working to dematerialise the request of the U.Porto card by digitising all the steps in the process. Currently, however, it will be necessary to finalise the request at the CGD booths/branches.

The services in the faculties/UOs may provide temporary cards in case of a last necessity. These cards will not be issued indiscriminately but only in duly defined urgent cases. Please note that these cards do not serve as identification.

If you need anything, you should contact the services of your Faculty/UO.

To prove that you are a U.Porto student, you must use the multi-purpose declaration. Know how to obtain the multi-purpose declaration through SIGARRA.

No. Existing cards from the old partner are still valid at U.Porto, even if the date indicated on the card has expired. Therefore, it is not necessary to exchange them.

The aim is to exchange all ID cards, but this process will be carried out later.

CGD has indicated that there will be no time differences in the process of issuing the different cards.

The bank card is sent directly to the address associated with the bank account.

The non-banking card is sent to U.Porto and collected by the U.Porto member at their Faculty/UO.

More information:

Information Security Unit
[email protected]