Each U.Porto employee can have a telephone extension associated with the Constituent Organisation to which they are assigned. This telephone extension allows them to make and receive calls according to their authorisation level (defined by their hierarchy).
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Networks and Connectivity
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- Wired Network
- Telephony (VoIP)
- VPN - Android (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Android (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point® Capsule)
- VPN - iOS (Automatic Configuration)
- VPN - iOS (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - iOS (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point Capsule)
- VPN - Mac (Automatic Configuration)
- VPN - Mac (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Mac (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point Endpoint)
- VPN - Windows (Automatic Configuration)
- VPN - Windows 10 (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Windows 10 (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point Capsule)
- VPN - Windows 10 and 11 (Manual Configuration ICBAS and FFUP: SSL Check Point Endpoint)
- VPN - Windows 7 (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Ubuntu (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Ubuntu (FEUP Manual Configuration: PPTP)
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Information System
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- Client Digital Certificates - Sign Email Messages
- Client Digital Certificates - Digital Signing of Documents (Non-Qualified Digital Signature)
- Client Digital Certificates - Install
- Client Digital Certificates - Obtaining a Certificate
- Client Digital Certificates - Revocation
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Use your telephone extension for teleworking
Your telephone extension is not limited to your desk phone. When you're teleworking, you can set up an application on your computer that simulates your telephone, so you have your internal extension and your external number available on your computer.
So, if you already have an extension and want to have the voice system available for teleworking so that you can answer and make calls as if you were at your desk, you need to follow these steps:
- Request the assignment of softphone credentials by sending an email to [email protected]
- Install the application Zoiper (you should choose the free desktop version according to your operating system).
- Make your configuration. If you wish, you can consult a short Zoiper configuration support manual (portuguese only).
Note: If your operating system is Windows and you don't have admin permissions, you should ask the Helpdesk for support.
Call forwarding
If you only want to forward your extension to your mobile phone or home landline and you have permission to do so, follow one of the options below:
- Dial 60 on your desk phone, followed by your forwarding destination number. To cancel, dial 64.
- Caso esteja na rede da U.Porto siga para o ponto seguinte. Se estiver fora da rede da U.Porto, deverá primeiro ligar a sua VPN (se não tiver VPN, deverá consultar o seu helpdesk).
- If you're inside the U.Porto network you can go to the next point. If you are outside the U.Porto network, you should switch on your VPN (if you don't have a VPN, you should consult your helpdesk).
- Go to http://voip.<institution>.up.pt, replacing <institution> with the acronym of the institution you belong to. Then go to Options, enter the destination number under Redirect to Extension and select Change. Finally, choose the Immediate option under Redirection.
For more information:
Unit of Infrastructure and Network
E-mail: [email protected]