Content for students

Installing the Check Point® Capsule VPN
On the Windows 10 search box, write "microsoft store" and select the respective option to access it.
Windows Search box
In Microsoft Store, write "check point capsule vpn" in the search box and select the respective application;
Microsoft Store Search box
Select the "Install" option to start installing the application;
"Install" Option
If the authentication window of the Microsoft account appears, please sign in. If you would like to ignore this procedure, close the window and proceed to the installation;
Authentication Window of the Microsoft® Account
After finishing the installation, you can execute the application to get information on how to use it;
Executing the application
In Windows 10, write "Settings" in the search box and select the respective option to access it;
Search box in Windows 10
Search box in Windows 10 ;
Windows 10 Settings
Select the "VPN" option;
"Network and Internet" tab
Select the option "Add a VPN connection";
"VPN" tab
In the "Add a VPN connection" window, configure according to the following options:
VPN Provider: Check Point Capsule VPN;
Connection : VPN FEUP SSL;
Name or server adress:;
Type of sign-in info: Username and password
"Adding a VPN connection" Window
Select the "Save" option.
Connecting to the VPN
In the "Settings" of Windows 10, select "Network and Internet" and go to the "VPN" tab. On the VPN connection created, select "Connect";
When selecting "Connect" for the first time, you will need to select the authentication method;
Select the option "Username and password" by default;
"VPN" Tab in "Network and Internet"
In the "Windows Security" window, insert your Information System user, when requested, in the form up[123456789]@[institution][ 1 ] and the password of the Information System.
"Windows Security" Window
Select "OK";
If the connection is established correctly, the status is described as "Connected";
Connection Status
To establish a connection in the future, you can select the network connections icon, select the VPN connection and confirm by selecting "Connect".
Connecting to VPN
- The numbers represent your student/mechanographic number and "institution" represents your home institution (cdup, arq, fade, fba, fc, fcna, direito, fe, fep, ff, fmd, fpce, icbas, letras, med, reit, sas or sp).
More information:
Unit of Infrastructure and Network
E-mail: [email protected]