The Data Protection Unit, coordinated by the Data Protection Officer of U.Porto, is responsible for controlling the compliance of the personal data processing operations carried out at the University, with the applicable legislation in this matter.
Personal Data
"Personal data" is any information relating to a person who is identified or whose identity may be revealed, either from the data set considered, or from the crossing of these with information that may exist in other databases. In other words, if certain information can be associated with a specific natural person, it is personal data within the meaning of applicable law.
Personal Data Processing
A personal data processing is any operation performed with personal data, including, among others, collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, disclosure or elimination. Whenever you intend to carry out an activity, within the scope of your connection to the U.Porto, which may involve the processing of personal data (carrying out surveys, managing event registrations, performing clinical studies, etc.) you should:
- Access the Data Protection Portal;
- Submit a request for "Processing of Personal Data", attaching all the documentation that may facilitate the analysis (questionnaire, consent forms, project activities plan, etc.);
- Wait for analysis by the Data Protection Unit before starting the activity.
More Information
For more information on how your personal data are processed by U.Porto, you can consult our Data Protection Policy. If you have additional questions or need any support related to data protection, within the scope of your academic activities, you can send your request through the Data Protection Portal or by email to the Data Protection Unit or to the email of the Data Protection Officer.