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U.Porto Identifiers


Institutional identifiers ensure that U.Porto's identification is unambiguous:

Eurostat is the Statistical Office of the European Union which produces statistical data for the European Union and also promotes the harmonisation of statistical methods among the member states.

UP identifier: 2014/210/PT

ROR (Research Organization Registry) is a database managed by the community of open, sustainable, usable and unique identifiers for each research organisation in the world.

UP identifier: 043pwc612

NCAGE (NATO Commercial and Government Entity) are CAGE codes for entities external to the United States of America. These codes are called NCAGE and they are assigned internationally as part of NATO's Codification System (NCS). They are mandatory for all foreign entities.

UP identifier: P2159

DUNS is a data universal numbering system, which may also be written as D-U-N-S. It is a proprietary system developed by Dun & Bradstreet, which assigns an exclusive numeric identifier, known as "DUNS number", to a unique commercial entity.

UP identifier: 452453731

PubMed is a database that offers free access to MEDLINE regarding citations and abstracts of research papers on biomedicine. [Provider ID]

UP identifier: 9551

SCOPUS is a database for abstracts and citations of articles from academic journals. It covers works from different international publishers, including peer-reviewed journals in the scientific, technical, medical and social science fields. [Affiliation ID]

UP identifier: 60007249

Global Research Identifier Database (GRID) is a database of educational and research organizations worldwide.

UP identifier: grid.5808.5

The International Standard Name Identifier is an identifier that uniquely identifies the public identities of contributors of media content such as books, television series, and newspaper articles.

UP identifier: 0000 0001 2173 9996

The Crossref OFR is an open registry of grant-giving organization names and identifiers, which you use to find funder IDs and include them as part of your metadata deposits.

UP identifier: 501100006752

Wikidata makes use of identifiers for both internal organization of the knowledge base and for its connection to other databases.

UP identifier: Q1422903

Questions related to U.Porto identifiers should be sent to the Documentation and Information Management Service of UPdigital [[email protected]].