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All U.Porto Faculties have archive services and documentation centres that aim at collecting, acquiring and storing materials of documental value according to the institution’s mission.

A large part of these spaces is open to the academic community, after prior authorisation. The services provided are the consultation and research of information, as well as document reproduction.

The information stored can be consulted with the assistance of skilled technical staff dedicated to the functional area of the archive:

  • information without access limitations is public and prone to be consulted. Personal information is confidential and, in this way, it can only be accessed by people to whom it belongs or by third parties that show a direct, personal and legitimate interest in obtaining such information;
  • the consultation of information with confidential and/or reserved content is dependent on the authorisation of the head of the institution.

U.Porto Archives

The "Rectory Central Archive" was officially created in 2001. However, the first work on the documentation accumulated in a room in the basement of the main Rectory building, then located in Rua de D. Manuel II, dates back to 1996. At the end of 2001, it was possible to replace the fixed shelves with a compact, sliding system, substantially improving storage conditions. In 2006, at the time of the move to the historic Rectory building in Praça de Gomes Teixeira, the Physical Archive's collection replacing the fixed shelves with a compact, sliding system was possible around 2 km of paper documents. In 2007, after the Rectorate's offices had moved to the historic building in Praça de Gomes Teixeira, the documents stored in the former CICAP building were transferred. The lack of a single space in which to concentrate the entire collection meant that it had to be spread out over two different areas - the Rectory and one in Rua dos Bragas (Parcauto).


Square Gomes Teixeira
4099-002 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 408 885
E-mail: [email protected]

Since 1993, FAUP has had an Urban Planning and Architecture Documentation Centre [CDUA] as part of its Documentation Services. The CDUA is responsible for safeguarding the documentary heritage that it owns and/or holds, with the responsibility of preserving this legacy of the past for future generations. The CDUA endeavors to implement measures responsible for the preservation, conservation, and dissemination of this heritage, particularly about registration and description on a computer platform (implementing the classification of all documentation by international standards) with a view to the easy retrieval of information, environmental and safety conditions in the storerooms, improving the packaging of documentation, promoting its reproduction (including the creation of an image database with "digital objects", the consultation of which will make it possible to visualize the document while avoiding exposing the original to environmental and human harm), mainly for research purposes.


Panoramic route s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 425 425
E-mail: [email protected]

The Archive of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto is an organizational service linked to the Directorate of Documentation and Information Services (SDI). It comprises the organic set of documents of a historical, academic, and administrative nature, produced and received from different bodies and services, since the creation of the Academia Portuense de Belas Artes in 1836, and which constitutes its archival collection.


Avenue Rodrigues de Freitas 265
4000-222 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 225 192 411
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Fine Arts

The Archive and Historical Documentation Unit of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) is part of the Documentation and Culture Service (SDC) and works to organize and collaboratively manage all of FCUP's archival resources.

The FCUP Archive is made up of documentation produced by FCUP's Services, Departments, Research Centres and Dependent Establishments since its creation in 1911, and reflects the entry, preservation,, and archival treatment of documentation. As well as gathering documentation produced and received with administrative, evidential, or legal interest, it also includes inherited and donated documentation of cultural interest.


Library Building FC1
Street Campo Alegre, s/n
4169-007 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 225 192 411
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Sciences

The archive of the Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto conserves and preserves the entire collection of the Faculty, which consists mainly of administrative documentation from 1969, when the School of Physical Education Instructors of the University of Porto was created, following the organizational and functional changes over the years until the current situation in which it takes on the name of Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto (FADEUP).


Street Dr. Plácido da Costa, n.º 91
4200-450 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 425 320
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Sports

The Archive Unit of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto is part of the Documentation and Information Service (SDI), byresponsible for making bibliographic and information resources available to the entire Faculty. The Archive preserves the historical and heritage documents produced by its various bodies and services since 1953. The Archive is responsible for creating the basis for an information policy and strategy to support institutional management, maintaining an up-to-date register of institutional documentation, and carrying out regular assessment, organization, and description in accordance with international archival standards.


Street Dr. Roberto Frias
4200 – 464 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 426 169
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Economics

The FEUP Archive has documentation in its care (around 2000 linear meters) with chronologies spanning a century, from the beginnings of the U.Porto Technical Faculty (1915-1926) to the present day, with the seal of the Faculty of Engineering after 1926. The organization of the Archive and the development of its activities are based on respect for and compliance with its organic regulations. They are governed, in technical terms, by the international standards that underpin archival work. The FEUP Archives had its institutional genesis in 2000, organisationally integrating the Documentation and Information Services.


Building A, Floor – 1
Street Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200 – 465, Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 225 081 402
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Engineering

The Archive of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP) encompasses and unifies in a single structure the scope, functions, and specific objectives of what are commonly known as the General Archive and the Historical Archive, and is therefore made up of the organic set of documents of an administrative and historical nature from the different services and as a direct result of the generic tasks of collection, selection, processing, and dissemination that fall to the Archive Service. Its mission is to organize and guarantee the conservation, access and dissemination of FLUP's documentary heritage. In addition, it has received private documentary collections, which have been placed in its custody so that they can be processed and made available to the scientific community, providing support for research and teaching.


Panoramic route Edgar Cardoso
Apartado 55038
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 226 077 100
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The archives of the Faculty of Medicine hold the administrative documentation of the institution since 1911 and of its predecessors, the Royal School of Surgery of Porto (1825) and the Medical-Surgical School of Porto (1936). It also holds parts of personal archives, mostly of professors who have become eminent figures in the history of Portuguese medicine. In addition to its administrative usefulness, it also holds important documentary collections of significant historical and artistic significance.Faculty of Medicine archives hold the institution's administrative documentation


Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM) – Piso 01
Street Dr. Plácido da Costa
4200-450 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 426 526
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Medicine

The FMDUP's permanent archive was located in a warehouse with installation conditions that were unfavorable to the preservation of the documents stored there. As part of the diagnostic survey of the University of Porto's permanent archives, a joint visit by UP Digital and the FMDUP was made to this storage facility. Various archive materials from the Faculty of Dental Medicine had been accumulated there. The main purpose of this visit was to observe the state of conservation of the objects to be preserved and their need for intervention with a view to their subsequent definitive storage.


Street Dr. Manuel Pereira da Silva, s/n
4200-393 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 901 100
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Dental Medicine

The mission of the Archives of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCEUP) is to ensure the control and processing of administrative information and documentation as well as cultural heritage resources. The Archive is responsible for promoting a management policy for the information produced within the scope of the activities carried out by the FPCEUP, guaranteeing the security and preservation of documentation relating to institutional memory, supporting the management and maintenance of the current archives of the different departments and providing access to information.


Street Alfredo Allen
4200-135 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 400 638
Website of Archive of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Science

IMS has an extensive and diverse set of documentary collections, from different sources and in multiple media and information types. Largely made up of architects' collections, almost all of whom were trained at the Porto school, the FIMS documentary center was created from the collections of the institution's founding architects, Maria José Marques da Silva (1914-1994) and David Moreira da Silva (1909-2002), which include the documentation of the tutelary architect, José Marques da Silva (1869-1947). A new phase in the life of the institution began in 2011 with the reception of the professional collection of architect Fernando Távora (1924-2005), which resulted in the regular incorporation of collections.


Square Marquês de Pombal, n.º 30-44
4200-390 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 225 518 557
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the Marques Silva Foundation Institute

The mission of the Archive unit is to promote a management policy for the information generated, received and archived at ICBAS as part of its activities, intending to use it as a reference, evidence, decision-support information and preservation of institutional memory.

The Archive's activities include planning, rationalising and evaluating all archival actions and interventions in creating, evaluating, acquiring, conserving, processing and using archives. It is also responsible for supporting ICBAS services in implementing good archival practices.

As a result of its strategic positioning as a specialised service of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and its responsibilities in implementing and executing an archival policy, the Archive unit of the Library and Archive Service has a strategic vision of becoming a reference service in document management throughout the document's life cycle, investing in the constant development of its human resources and the quality of the services provided.


Street Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228
4050-313 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 220 428 028
E-mail: [email protected]
Website of Archive of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences