- About Us
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IT Services
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- U.Porto Card
Accounts and Passwords
- Web Hosting
- Change/Recover Password
- Institutional Authentication
- Configure Forwarding in Microsoft Outlook 365
- Email Account (Lecturers and Staff)
- Email Account (Students)
- Google for Education
- HPC and Grid Computing
- Virtual Machines to Support Teaching and Research
- Microsoft Office 365 (Lecturers and Staff)
- Microsoft Office 365 (Students)
- Email Service
- Logging In to Printing Devices
- Load Quota
- Copying
- Scanning
- Web Printing
- Printing (Release Jobs to Print Devices)
- Printing From Institutional Equipment (Using PaperCut MF Client)
- Printing From Personal Devices (Installing Mobility Print)
- Printing From Personal Devices with Linux Operating System (Installing Mobility Print)
- Pricing
- Printing Service
- Website of the Printing Service
Networks and Connectivity
- Mobile Communications
- Wired Network
- Telephony (VoIP)
- VPN - Android (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Android (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point® Capsule)
- VPN - iOS (Automatic Configuration)
- VPN - iOS (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - iOS (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point Capsule)
- VPN - Mac (Automatic Configuration)
- VPN - Mac (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Mac (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point Endpoint)
- VPN - Windows (Automatic Configuration)
- VPN - Windows 10 (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Windows 10 (FEUP Manual Configuration: SSL Check Point Capsule)
- VPN - Windows 10 and 11 (Manual Configuration ICBAS and FFUP: SSL Check Point Endpoint)
- VPN - Windows 7 (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Ubuntu (Manual Configuration)
- VPN - Ubuntu (FEUP Manual Configuration: PPTP)
- Wi-Fi
Information System
- Accessing your personal page
- Accessing Course Unit Fact Sheets
- Updating Personal Data
- Authentication (Login)
- Configuring your personal data
- Confirm Personal Data
- Viewing your current account
- Viewing your timetable
- Viewing your academic path
- Consulting Periods of Limitation
- Creating a multipurpose declaration
- Insert/Change Photo
- Integration of Course Units with Moodle and Microsoft Teams
- Requesting a certificate
- Requesting a digital certificate
- Requesting a [email protected] Pass
- Software
- Documentation and Information Resources
Cyber Security
- Report Incident
Computer Security and Privacy
- Antivirus
- IT Security Audit
- Client Digital Certificates - Sign Email Messages
- Client Digital Certificates - Digital Signing of Documents (Non-Qualified Digital Signature)
- Client Digital Certificates - Install
- Client Digital Certificates - Obtaining a Certificate
- Client Digital Certificates - Revocation
- Digital Certificates for Servers
- Policies and Good Practices
- Data Protection
- Tutorials
- Help and Support
- Contacts
The ASCE Library is a civil engineering database that provides access to journals, conference proceedings, e-books and standards published by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
ASME Digital Collection is the premier professional membership organization for more than 127,000 mechanical engineers and associated members worldwide. ASME also conducts one of the largest technical publishing operations in the world, offering thousands of titles including some of the profession's most prestigious journals, conference proceedings, and ASME Press books.
Cambridge Journals Online is a platform that brings together the most important journals published by Cambridge University Press in the field of science, social sciences and humanities.
Emerald is a full-text platform that includes about 140 journal publications by MCB in the fields of engineering, management, education, library science, economics and health.
The MLA Directory of Periodicals offers detailed information on more than 5,500 journals, with 4,400 currently indexed in the international bibliography. Detailed records include editorial contact information, as well as frequency, circulation, subscription prices and submission guidelines.
Oxford University Press is a platform with access to the full text of the highest quality journals and delivers this research to the widest possible audience.
Springer is a platform that provides access to 2400 scientific journals in full text and in all areas of knowledge.