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IT Support Service

This service provides IT support to users and manages exclusively local systems.

  • Operating UPdigital's IT support service;
  • Providing proximity support to users in the CEs, answering, registering, triaging and responding to requests received;
  • Providing online content to present the catalogue of services that UPdigital provides to the academic community;
  • Disseminating information and good practices in the use of UPdigital's ICT resources and services, namely by ensuring the production of documentation and videos for user support;
  • Managing IT parks, ensuring the planning of the acquisition, maintenance and registration of computers, printing resources, multimedia projection systems and other information equipment essential for the efficient activity of the academic community;
  • Managing the collection of licences and contracts for the acquisition and maintenance of software that is transversal to U.Porto;
  • Managing the computer resources in classrooms, providing support for exams held in computer rooms;
  • Managing the unified printing service, ensuring that the service is maintained/available to members and managing the technical assistance contract;
  • Managing the use of the survey platform provided by UPdigital.

Documentation and Information Management Service

This service is active in the areas of U.Porto's information heritage, including the implementation of document archives in digital and physical formats, monitoring of the library and museum management system, management of electronic resources to support teaching and research, and the conservation and restoration of the bibliographic and iconographic heritage that makes up the U.Porto Old Fund.

Email: [email protected]

  • Supporting U.Porto's libraries, archives and museums in the acquisition of technological resources and information resources available online, as well as promoting interoperability, administering, managing and supporting the dissemination of good practices in the use of associated information systems;
  • Managing the information content of the U.Porto Repository, encouraging and supporting its use by the constituent entities of the U.Porto;
  • Maintaining and managing the U.Porto archive, defining standards for its management and ensuring control of information throughout its life cycle;
  • Promoting, ensuring and validating documentary transfers, guaranteeing the security and long-term preservation of information for permanent conservation, regardless of the medium on which it is recorded;
  • Ensuring the operation of a search, requisition, consultation, reservation, reproduction and loan service for documentation in the U.Porto archives, observing the requirements of accessibility and communicability of information, including the management of the U.Porto electronic counter service, extending its scope of intervention and encouraging its use by the CEs;
  • Ensuring the preservation of archived records and promoting the digital preservation of documents, drawing up and regularly updating guidelines on document preservation deadlines, ensuring their application at U.Porto in liaison with the CEs;
  • Designing references to support the organisation, processing and management of documents at U.Porto, with a view to adopting the normative procedures necessary for the digital preservation of U.Porto's documentary heritage;
  • To process, preserve and publicise the bibliographic and iconographic heritage that makes up the U.Porto Old Fund and the existing reserved funds through the activities carried out by the Conservation and Restoration Office;
  • Promoting U.Porto's open access policy;
  • Support for research, including, for example, processing author fees associated with contracts with scientific publishers, analysing access and financial return, and user management;
  • Support for publishing scientific journals published in the U.Porto ecosystem using the IT platform in use at UPdigital, including guidance on indexing journals on the available platforms.

Technological Infrastructures Service

It performs its duties in the areas of technical infrastructure management, data centres, communication and voice network services, cloud services and/or platforms, storage services, management of application and computing servers, their operating systems and middleware, as well as database management.

Email: [email protected]

Is responsible for administrating systems that support U.Porto's services and applications.

UAS is in charge of:

  • Ensuring the planning, implementation, installation, administration, improvement and maintenance of U.Porto's IT services that form part of the standard offer in the UPdigital catalogue in collaboration with the other teams;
  • Administering storage services and ensuring backup services, including remote backup services;
  • Ensuring the resilience of computer and information systems, avoiding disruption of services in their area of competence;
  • Administer and manage other IT services hosted on U.Porto infrastructures that are requested by the CEs and approved by the director of UPdigital;
  • Ensuring monitoring and alarming services appropriate to the management of the operation in the areas and systems intervened on by the UAS;
  • Ensuring the operation and continuity of services identified as critical to the organisation (24×7);
  • Providing second-line IT support for the services provided by the unit.

It exercises its competencies in the fields of information system technical infrastructure management, teaching and learning platforms, identity management and the management of authentication and authorisation mechanisms.

UPT is in charge of:

  • Ensuring transversal identity, authentication and authorisation services, including strong authentication mechanisms, capable of responding to the configuration and provisioning needs of the services of each of the CEs in accordance with the requirements defined and coordinated with the Information Security Unit;
  • Promote the harmonisation of procedures relating to identification, authentication and authorisation mechanisms used in U.Porto's systems and infrastructures to control access to resources and services, namely defining requirements for U.Porto's identity management systems in conjunction with the Information Security Unit;
  • Providing the federated identity management system with functionalities for managing the life cycle of users of U.Porto services;
  • Managing and optimising the database services on which UPdigital's services are based;
  • Managing the various environments and platforms related to development, quality, pre-production and production required for the information systems ecosystem to function;
  • Installing new versions of software developed at UPdigital in a productive environment;
  • Implementing and maintaining robust data protection measures to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information stored in databases in accordance with information security policies and applicable regulations;
  • Ensure appropriate monitoring and alarming services for operation management;
  • Ensure the operation and continuity of infrastructures and services identified as critical to the organisation (24×7);
  • Providing second-line IT support for the services provided by the unit.

It exercises its competencies in the areas of communication and voice network infrastructures, in their passive and active components, their security mechanisms, their data centres, and authentication and authorisation services for access to these areas of the U.Porto.

URC is in charge of:

  • Managing U.Porto's data centres and equipment hosting services;
  • Plan, implement and manage active data and voice network infrastructures in their local area and metropolitan area component and monitor the passive network component with the CEs;
  • Plan, implement and manage the U.Porto's private computing and storage infrastructure to ensure the operation of the IT services provided by the U.Porto to its users.
  • users;
  • Manage U.Porto's connectivity to the Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS) and other external networks;
  • Plan, implement and manage the U.Porto wireless network infrastructure;
  • Plan, implement and manage network security equipment (firewalls), implementing access rules and VPN systems;
  • Plan, implement, monitor and manage the switching and routing equipment in the CEs and data centres;
  • Plan, implement and manage other network services necessary for the correct operation of the U.Porto communication infrastructure and services;
  • Ensure appropriate monitoring and alarming services for operation management;
  • Ensuring the operation and continuity of infrastructures and services identified as critical to the organisation (24x7);
  • Providing second-line IT support for the services provided by the unit.

Information Systems Service

It exercises its competencies within the scope of specialised support and training for U.Porto Services and users in general in the context of using the information system.

It exercises its competencies within the scope of specialised support and training for U.Porto Services and users in general in the context of using the information system.

UAC is in charge of:

  • Support for users of the U.Porto information system;
  • Providing support for the proper use of the information system, promoting good practices and encouraging the use of its various modules;
  • Carrying out tests on new developments in a quality environment, with the respective reporting of errors and non-conformities to the UDA, documenting the associated new functionalities for later dissemination;
  • Producing and updating training content on the information system, as well as other materials to support the use and dissemination of the information system;
  • Drawing up an annual training plan centred on the information system;
  • Carrying out training sessions and other forms of capacity building for users of the information system;
  • Extracting data to produce statistics and reports to support management and other services;
  • Ensuring strict compliance with the rules for accessing, consulting and extracting data from databases, ensuring full compliance with security and data protection policies;
  • Managing profiles and controlling access to the information system, ensuring efficient and secure management in line with the organisation's security policies and operational needs;
  • Monitoring and guaranteeing the quality of the service provided to CEs.

Email: [email protected]

Its expertise lies in specialised information systems consultancy and the design of digital services.

UCDS is in charge of:

  • Providing consultancy services to the Administrative Services and RTs for the development of the information system;
  • Ensuring close contact with the CEs to find out their needs, with a view to producing proposals for improving existing processes and procedures;
  • Promote transversal, integrated and collaborative approaches that increase effectiveness, efficiency and administrative simplification at U.Porto;
  • Hold co-creation sessions with stakeholders to design new services or functionalities to be implemented in the U.Porto digital ecosystem in collaboration with the Digital Innovation and Design Unit;
  • Specify the new services or functionalities centred on user needs, geared towards administrative simplification and aligned with U.Porto's objectives;
  • Carrying out acceptance tests and validating with the user the fulfilment of the functional requirements established in the developments carried out, ensuring compliance with the required quality standards;
  • Drawing up functional documentation in the context of analysing processes and gathering requirements in collaboration with the UDA.

Its competencies include data management, the definition and management of digital solution architectures and the definition and management of interoperability requirements in the U.Porto digital ecosystem.

UDAI is in charge of:

  • Developing and maintaining the U.Porto data catalogue;
  • Carry out quality control of data entered into the information system;
  • Auditing the information system;
  • Develop quantitative, predictive and/or prescriptive models to use the available data to support the U.Porto's decision-making processes;
  • Design the information systems architecture reference in its different layers, namely informational, applicational and technological, both in terms of solution architecture and software architecture, for use in the development of new digital solutions at U.Porto;
  • Defining the technological stack within the scope of information systems and managing the architectural artefacts that support planning and development in collaboration with the UDA;
  • Promote the creation of application development accelerators, guaranteeing the conditions for adopting the DevSecOps approach;
  • Specifying, developing, configuring and operating the U.Porto interoperability platform to provide interconnection of U.Porto systems and interaction with external systems;
  • Developing, documenting, publishing and maintaining the catalogue of IT services provided for UPdigital interoperability.

It works in the areas of software engineering and information systems, concentrating its activity on the development and maintenance of U.Porto's information system in its multiple aspects of support for teaching, research, administrative services and university extension.

UDA is in charge of:

  • The development of software with high quality, agility and efficiency, aligned with the needs of U.Porto and centred on the user;
  • Collaborating with the (i) Consultancy and Service Design and (ii) Data, Architecture and Interoperability teams in defining software requirements and ensuring their technical and operational implementation;
  • Maintaining the software used in the information system;
  • Managing software versions and their documentation;
  • Documenting software development;
  • Defining and promoting the use of good software development practices and the use of agile methodologies during the development phases;
  • Implementing the appropriate technical mechanisms to safeguard the protection of access to and management of the data deposited in the information system in accordance with the applicable regulations;
  • Software quality control, developing and carrying out validations of fulfilment of requirements and ensuring compliance with applicable standards;
  • Carrying out unit and integration tests to ensure the quality and proper functioning of the components of the system developed;
  • Preparing and managing documentation, including technical documentation and installation manuals;
  • Training technical support and consultancy teams on information system developments.

Digital Innovation and Design Unit

It drives innovation in the UPdigital ecosystem by developing prototypes of disruptive digital solutions centred on user needs and aimed at continuously improving processes, products and services through emerging technologies. It also promotes effective communication strategies using digital technologies.

Email: [email protected]

  • Developing innovative projects for new products and/or services based on an open innovation model, centred on the needs of U.Porto and its users, aligned with UPdigital's mission, and experimenting with them through prototypes;
  • Monitoring trends that drive innovation, promoting the co-creation and experimentation, in safe contexts, of innovative solutions, focused on agile responses and anticipating needs;
  • Drawing up applications for innovation projects in conjunction with the other UPdigital teams;
  • Accompanying projects related to digital transformation, from their conception to the implementation phase, ensuring the effective integration of innovative solutions and assisting in strategic decisions;
  • Promoting and supporting the definition of strategies and action plans for the simplification, modernisation and digital transformation of U.Porto;
  • Implementing the U.Porto design and development system, supporting the whole of UPdigital and the constituent entities of U.Porto in creating and maintaining design, accessibility and usability standards for user interfaces;
  • Collecting, systematising and publicising UPdigital's activities, products and services through digital or printed formats;
  • Encouraging the use of digital marketing tools to communicate with the entire community;
  • Print publications and multimedia communication materials;
  • Managing UPdigital's institutional website.

Information Security Unit

It exercises its competencies in the fields of cybersecurity and information security, and its primary mission is to ensure, within the sphere of U.Porto, the adoption and compliance with technical and organisational measures relating to the application of the requirements laid down in international, European and national legislation on information security.

Email: [email protected]

  • Evaluate and ensure the compliance of all information systems and associated infrastructure under the supervision of the U.Porto and managed by UPdigital with the applicable legislation in the field of information security, including the definition of normative references and indicators in the areas of its competence;
  • Implementing and managing the information security management system to manage the risk associated with U.Porto resources, using national and international standards for this purpose;
  • Drawing up and keeping up to date the security plan for U.Porto's information resources and systems, managed by UPdigital, guaranteeing, among other things, the security of the identification, authentication and authorisation procedures used in these systems;
  • Ensure the functioning of the ‘permanent contact point’ in terms of cybersecurity under the terms of the legal framework for cyberspace security;
  • Operationalising risk assessment activities, implementing security controls and responding to security incidents in conjunction with other UPdigital teams;
  • Developing prevention, monitoring, detection, reaction, analysis and correction capabilities to deal with information security incidents;
  • Ensuring U.Porto's information security incident response service, CSIRT.UPORTO is responsible for coordinating the response to incidents in U.Porto's infrastructures and systems, liaising with internal bodies and the relevant authorities;
  • Ensuring the custody of cryptographic keys and management of the certification infrastructure for members of the academic community and U.Porto domains;
  • Ensuring the custody and management of super-users and root management keys for the infrastructure and systems used at U.Porto, managing the assignment of top-level permissions to them;
  • Promoting awareness, training and qualification of members of the U.Porto community in information security matters;
  • Defining the appropriate requirements for computer system audit records (logs) of technological systems and infrastructures, as well as collecting and processing the information generated by these;
  • Monitor the vulnerabilities of U.Porto's systems and infrastructures, conducting active or passive audits for this purpose; these physical and logical security audits should also assess the degree of compliance with defined policies and procedures or current legal regulations;
  • Produce regular reports with indicators on U.Porto's information security;
  • Assist UPdigital teams in defining disaster recovery, business continuity, and information security plans, consolidating them into the integrated information security management system.

Unless otherwise decided by a higher authority, the head of the USI will assume the functions of security officer at the National Cybersecurity Centre under the terms and for the purposes of the legal framework for cyberspace security.

General Administration Centre

Advises UPdigital's management on administrative issues, implementing good practices in project management, controlling budget execution and monitoring UPdigital's financial activity.

Email: [email protected]

  • Managing the project portfolio, following up on its implementation and monitoring any risks, systematically providing information to UPdigital's management on the respective state of play;
  • Defining project management methodologies, processes and tools in line with international best practices and taking into account UPdigital's specific context;
  • Organising initiatives to raise awareness and share good practices related to project management;
  • Ensuring the management of UPdigital's financial resources, drawing up budget proposals, taking into account activity plans and approved projects;
  • Carrying out tasks to monitor UPdigital's budget implementation under strict management of available resources;
  • Guaranteeing the supply of current goods for general use and monitoring asset management tasks, ensuring that the respective register is organised;
  • Supporting the preparation of UPdigital's activity plan and activity report;
  • Developing and implementing administrative processes and procedures applicable to UPdigital;
  • Ensuring the implementation of a regular method for evaluating services based on indicators, compiling reports to support decision-making;
  • Liaising between UPdigital and the services provided by the Shared Services of the University of Porto (SPUP) in the administrative and financial, budgetary, public procurement, human resources and legal fields;
  • Ensuring general administrative support, providing logistical support for activities, managing paperwork and acting as secretary to UPdigital's management.