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Master’s Degrees - List of Courses

Masters Degree in Philosophy

The Master's Degree course in Philosophy from FLUP offers an environment open to the analysis and debate of a variety of issues, which we may have already thought about and discussed with friends. These issues – some ancient, others entirely new – involve fundamental aspects of human life which you will now begin to understand from a philosophical perspective. The course has four areas of specialisation: Ethics and Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Education; Medieval Philosophy; Contemporary Philosophy.

Job Opportunities

Scientific research; Education (upon completion of vocational training with a Master's Degree in Teaching Philosophy); Cultural education, promotion and production; Business, communicational and political consulting, Diplomatic service; Publishing.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Arts
Type of Course
Masters Degree
4 Semesters / 120.0 ECTS
Annual Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee)
National: 1250.00€
International: 4000.00€
CPLP International: 2200.00€

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025

Registration and Accreditation


Registration n.ºR/A-Ef 2758/2011/AL02 in Aug. 8, 2022


Date of publication of the accreditation decision: June 15, 2022

Validity of accreditation: 6 years

Information from A3ES