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Master’s Degrees - List of Courses

Masters Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.EEC) master's programme is designed to train engineers in the conceptualization and planning of electrical and computer systems. It provides students with advanced and specialized training in one of three well-established areas of electrical and computer engineering: Automation Engineering; Power Systems; Telecommunications, Electronics and Computers. Each specialization area represents a coherent training pathway corresponding to employability profiles recognized by the labour market. M.EEC starts with a set of curriculum units that are common to all students; additionally, groups of electives are offered to enable further study in a particular sub-area of the specialization.The programme consists of 120 ECTS credits, of which:

90 ECTS credits can be obtained a set  of study units. This set of units  leads to a Master's diploma (non-degree-awarding) in Electrical and Computer Engineering in one of 3 specializations: Automation Engineering; Power Systems; Telecommunications, Electronics and Computers.
30 ECTS credits that can be obtained from an original scientific thesis prepared specifically for this purpose.

The programme places great emphasis on preparing students for conceptual and design tasks, both individually and as members of multidisciplinary teams. The programme also focus on the acquisition of soft skills and other transferable skills that are of utmost importance in today's society, including proactivity and the capacity for lifelong learning.

Job Opportunities

The new developments related to information and communication technologies, as well as in the areas of industrial production and automation and the new ways of producing and managing electric power, make ECE one of the most dynamic fields on engineering.This Master's programme tracks these developments and combines a solid and specific training in areas relevant to the development of the country and the world. It therefore increases career opportunities in industry and the service sector in the field of electrical and computer engineering. There are career opportunities for the different job types in several areas, including:computer visioncontrol systemselectric mobilityelectrical installationsembedded systemsenergy conversion
industrial automationindustrial informaticsmachine learning
management of computer systems and networksmicroelectronics (analogue and digital)

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Engineering
Type of Course
Masters Degree
4 Semesters / 120.0 ECTS
Annual Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee)
National: 1500.00€
International: 6000.00€
CPLP International: 3300.00€

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025

Registration and Accreditation


Registration n.ºR/A-Cr 15/2021 in Jan. 28, 2021


Date of publication of the accreditation decision: Jan. 20, 2021

Validity of accreditation: 6 years

Information from A3ES
Additional information