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Lifelong Learning - List of Courses

Rapid laboratory diagnosis in Clinical Microbiology

Increased options and training quality in the area of rapid laboratory diagnosis in Clinical Microbiology, promoting the efficiency of the standards currently adopted and improving protocols in a multidisciplinary environment.

Job Opportunities

At the end of the Continuing Education Unit, students are expected to acquire skills in definitive rapid and ultra-fast diagnosis in Clinical Microbiology; knowledge about and ability to select the new rapid and ultra-fast diagnostic methods available in the market, in the scope of microorganism identification, microorganism typing/outbreak investigation and evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility profile.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Medicine
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
108 Hours / 4.0 ECTS

* Information only related to the National Call for Applications

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025