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Lifelong Learning - List of Courses

Towards an understanding of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Perspectives and Practices Esta formação não está ativa.

The course aims to: encourage critical reflection on personal beliefs, attitudes, and practices regarding bilingual education/ CLIL; | explain the principles and advantages of the CLIL methodology. Raise awareness of the different dimensions (Coyle¿s 4 C¿s (Content, Cognition, Language and Culture) that interact in a CLIL class; | develop awareness of the importance language plays in students¿ successful subject knowledge construction; | present methods teaching and learning through CLIL in the classroom (such as the genre approach (Llinares, 2012), the Pluriliteracy Teaching for Learning model (PTL) and the construct of Cognitive Discourse Function (CDF) (Dalton-Puffer, 2013). | Offer insights into good CLIL practices led by research; | provide useful pedagogical tools and strategies to plan, teach and evaluate their CLIL classes. | Provide opportunities to work and reflect together within a community of practice; | develop participants¿ competence in the English language.

Funding Entities

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Faculty of Arts
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
12 Hours / 1.5 ECTS

All the information presented relates to 2024/2025