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Lifelong Learning - List of Courses

The Bible, Book of books II Esta formação não está ativa.

The Old Testament contains a set of books that are much less known than the New Testament. However, their knowledge and their symbolism emerge in countless cultural products, although their presence is often overlooked due to this lack of knowledge.
Following the Bible Course, Books of Books 1. considering the justifications provided for the creation of this course, we try to study some books of A. Testament that are more significant for Western thought, trying to understand its language and its meaning.
It is sought that the study of these topics allows the understanding of the main lines of theological anthropology, present in the Old Testament. Theological Anthropology, being an area of theology that, based on the Bible, seeks to explain the meaning of human existence, takes place in dialogue with the human sciences and other domains where the human being manifests his search for meaning.
By reading some biblical books from the A. Testament, it is intended, in this Bible Course, Books from books 2 to continue presenting and clarifying the broad matrix configuring the Bible and structuring human existence, which explains its importance for Western culture, this time focusing on historical and wisdom books, although returning to some of the themes previously addressed: the transition from nomadic to sedentary life with the structuring of political power, the family system; the drama of human suffering, the female figure in several Old Testament books; love, friendship and social solidarity.

Logo da Unidade Organica
Faculty of Arts
Type of Course
Continuing Training Unit
30 Hours / 4.0 ECTS

All the information presented relates to 2023/2024